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Showing posts with label South korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South korea. Show all posts

Military Power of South korea

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Sunday 24 May 2020

South korea and India relation

The connecting factor between India and Republic of Korea has always been Buddhism. Buddhism reached Korea in the fourth century AD. Buddhism was recognised in Korea in the reign of Kim Sosurim Due to the spread of Buddhism in Korea, Indian and Korean interactions increased. The relations received an impetus in the times of Asoka, the Indian emperor who patronised Buddhism. Asoka is known to have sent iron and gold from India to Korea to establish Buddhist statues there. The interaction declined during the medieval times. With the advent of modern times came colonial rule. Japan colonize Korea and the British colonised India. The relations, hence, could not flourish due to colonial presences in both nations. 

South korea military power

South Korea stand at 7th postion in th world in military power.

  1. Active Personnel : 1,280,000
  2. Reserved Personnel: 600,000
  3. Budget:US$ $42.2 billion
  4. Air power

  • Size :1649 (fighter 414)
  • Fighter planes(F-35, F-15, F-16, F-4) : 414
  • Attacker planes(FA-50, F-5) : 466, 
  • Transporting planes : 382, 
  • Attacker Helicopters(Apache, Cobra etc.) : 112, 
  • Total Helicopters(Blackhawk etc.) : 803, 
  • Mid-range land to land missiles : 1500, 
  • Cruise missiles : 1500

5.Land forces

  • Tanks : 2654(1700 3rd generation tanks), 
  • Infantry Fighting Vehicles : 2660,
  •  Trucks : 8660, 
  • Self-propelled howitzers : 3040
  • Artillery : 3854, 
  • Mortar : 2000,
  • Multiple Launch Rocket System : 280.


  • AircraftCarrier : 2
  • Frigates : 18
  • Destroyers(Aegis ships) : 12, 
  • Submarines : 22
  • Mine warefare: 11

7.Special forces 

  • Armyspecial forces(Green beret + Rangers) : 15000


28000 (having their tanks, self-propelled howitzers)

In South korea , male between the ages 18-28 have compulsory military service , woman may join the militry service.Active duty enlisted personnel serve 21 months in the Army , 23 months in the Navy,and 24 months in the Air Force.Those who are not exempt from military service must serve around two years in the military before the age of 28. World-famous BTS(Korean band) members wish to enlist in military but not enlist yet (may 2020 ).
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