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Showing posts with label Kargil 1999. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kargil 1999. Show all posts

Hav Hangpan Dada

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Friday 24 April 2020

Havldar Hangpan Dada, comrades as Dada, was born on 2nd October of 1979 in Borduria village in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh. Hav Dada was used to run several kilometers and do 25-30 push-ups every day even as a child. Hav Dada joined the Army and was recruited to the 3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment on 28 October 1997. Six years later, he then went on to serve with the Assam Regimental Center and joined the 4th Battalion of the Assam Regiment on 24 Jan 2008.Few years later in 2016, Hav Dada then volunteered to serve with the 35 Rashtriya Rifles engaged in anti insurgency operations in J & K. A devout Christian, Hav Dada also conducted heavily subscribed Sunday sermons for the men in the unit. He did the same while on leave in his hometown in Arunachal Pradesh. He was fond of keeping snakes as pets and had to be evacuated by a helicopter once, after he was  bitten by one of them. Hav Dada was a soldier par excellence and was equally liked by his peers as well as seniors.

NaugamOperation : 26 May 2016

In May 2016, Hav Dada’s unit, 35 RR was deployed in Naugam sector in J& K. On 26 May 2016, his unit had received information from intelligence sources about the presence of terrorists in the Naugam sector. A decision was taken to launch a search and destroy operation in the night to flush out the terrorists. In the night of 26 May, Hav Dada along with his other comrades, led a charge on the hiding terrorists as per the planned operation. After reaching the suspected area, Hav Dada along with his team spotted the movement of terrorists and launched a well coordinated attack on them. A fierce gun-battle ensued that went on for over 24 hours. Hav Dada killed two terrorists on the spot in a swift an daring action. On seeing this , the other two terrorists fled and hid behind some boulders. Spotting two terrorists who had hidden behind boulders, Hav Dada lunged at one of them. The two were locked in hand-to hand combat, slipping and sliding down the hill, till Hav Dada finally neutralized him.
However, the fourth terrorist then sprayed bullets into him. Ignoring his grievous wounds, Hav Dada pinned down the shooter and severely injured him. The terrorist was eventually killed but Hav Dada succumbed to his injuries and was martyred.  Hav Dada killed three terrorists in the operation single-handedly and his action led to elimination of the fourth terrorist. Hav Dada’s action of eliminating three terrorists in an engagement at close quarters and injuring a fourth one, in disregard to his personal safety, foiled the infiltration bid and ensured the safety of his comrades. Hav Dada was given the nation’s highest gallantry award during peace-time operations, “Ashok Chakra”, on the eve of the Independence Day in 2016.
Hav Hangpan Dada is survived by his wife, Chasen Lowang Dada, daughter, Roukhin and son, Senwang.

Citation for Ashoka Chakra awarded to him.

On the night of 26 May 2016, Dada, as Sabu Post Commander of 35 Rashtriya Rifles, while establishing a stop along with his Section at 12,500 feet, led a charge on hiding terrorists in Naugam, Jammu and Kashmir resulting in the neutralization of four heavily armed terrorists.He along with his team spotted the movement of terrorists in the area and engaged them in a fierce encounter that went on for over 24 hours. He charged at the spot where terrorists were and killed two terrorists on the spot and later the third one after a hand-to-hand scuffle as they slid down the hill towards the Line of Control. Dada sustained a sudden burst of automatic fire from the hiding fourth terrorist, receiving a gun shot wound. He continued to pin down the fourth terrorist and later succumbed to his injuries before wounding the terrorist.
Dada’s action of eliminating three terrorists in an engagement at close quarters and injuring a fourth one, in disregard to his personal safety, foiled the infiltration bid and ensured the safety of his men. He was honoured posthumously, the highest gallantry award during peace-time operations, Ashok Chakra, on the eve of the Independence Day in 2016.
Recently India open bridge in Arunachal Pradesh on name of hangpan dada along Chinese boader over sabansiri river.

Digendra kumar:One man Army

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Tuesday 21 April 2020

Digendra Kumar MVC,SM , who known as Cobra of army, who dispatched 48 Pakistanis single handed.
Born in a Jat family , in Sikar , Rajasthan . Kumar joined the 2nd battalion of the Rajputana rifles on 3rd September 1985, soon after his training was complete he was selected in the Indian peace keeping forces.
During operation Pawan , Kumar and his team were assigned to patrol areas dominant in Tamil. Five Tamil militants killed five soldiers of Kumar's team, he along with the rest of the squad chased the militants to an MLA's house, when the mla opposaed the army , the MLA was killed in an ensuing firefight along with the militants,Instead of earning praise he was remanded and penalised.
At the same time, 36 soldiers of the 10th parachute regiment were captured alive, the commanding officer handed this man the duty of saving the day. He took some 50kg ammunition , some biscuits , he sailed up the river , freed the soldiers , killed 39 militants singlehandedly and destroyed an ammunition Depot.
In The War Naik Digendra Kumar was commander of the elite light machine gun group that devised a plan involving heavy duty ropes and crampons to scale a sheer cliff face in the dead of the night. The plan was executed in sub-zero temperatures, overlooking a 5000 feet deep chasm over 14 grueling hours.
During his efforts, while he was trying to subdue the enemy, he was struck by a bullet that penetrated his arm. The plucky soldier gave a cold shoulder to the excruciating pain and continued to fight back.
The dumbstruck Pak army was still tying to recuperate from the heavy blow. He lobbed grenades and shot at the enemy while keeping his platoon motivated; ultimately mowing down 48 of the enemy to recapture the crucial Tololing point.
It was Naik Digendra Kumar who hoisted the Indian tricolour atop the peak at 4 AM on 13 June 1999. When the other soldiers reached the spot later, they found many dead soldiers as well as Naik Kumar who was unconscious, but miraculously alive!
His incredible feats in the battlefield and matchless contribution to the recapture of Point 4590 earned this ‘Cobra’ the nation’s second highest gallantry award, the Maha Vir Chakra.
He retired from the army in 2005 and was denied disability benefits and Kargil war benefits for about two years. This, in spite of the fact that this commando had done his tour of duty as part of the Indian Peacekeeping Force in Sri Lanka (where he earned himself the ‘Cobra’ sobriquet) before the Kargil war as well.
The Cobra associated with the Indian army had assured General Malik that he would grow the Indian tricolour atop the top and he did. Now the nation has to uphold the assurances directed at the troops just as!

Captain Vijayant Thapar

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Tuesday 17 September 2019

He is not only won a gold medal in water polo, but also clinched a Silver medal at IMA for being the second best cadet in the whole batch. He was commissioned on Saturday, 12th December 1998. Initially he was in  the Rajputana Rifles at Gwalior, the 2nd battalion, where he was commissioned, soon moved to Kupwara. It is here that this soldier’s unique story began, with a cute 6 year old Kashmiri girl, Rukhsana.

Her parents were brutally murdered by the Salafi terrorists in a murderous assault, and Rukhsana, shell shocked, turned into a living corpse, unable to react, unable to speak.

Chance brought her to the attention of the Captain Vijayant Thapar, who met Rukhsana at her village school, and was deeply moved by her tale.

He tried his best, initially met with failures, but ultimately he brought the chirpy Rukhsana back. Along with his faithful helper, Sepoy Jagmal Singh Shekhawat, he used to find time from his grueling schedule, and would meet Rukhsana every evening, bringing sweets and toffees for her. He took care of her like his own child.

Cut to 1999. Kargil War has begun. The 2nd Rajputana Rifles, led by Colonel M.B. Ravindranathan, has been called to the assistance of the 18 Grenadiers battalion, who have sustained heavy casualties in their initial assaults to reclaim the peak of Tololing. With his best friend, and company commander, Major Padmapani Acharya, Captain Vijayant Thapar did his duty well, reclaiming the Tololing peak for India.

Unfortunately, he never returned, and died fighting at the Knoll Complex, an ugly mountain sandwiched between Tiger Hill and Tololing, on the dark night of Tuesday, 29th June 1999.

He was only 22 when he gave his life for the honor of the motherland. Before dying, he wrote a final letter to his parents, saying that he would be watching them from the skies, by the time they read his letter.

In his last letter, he did not forget Rukhsana at all, and asked his parents to contribute Rs. 50 to her every month (in those days, Rs. 50 mattered a lot). The bereaved parents duly followed this last wish of his, and a decade later, personally met Rukhsana, who owes her life to Captain Vijayant. Today, she can read and write, and speak Kashmiri, English and Urdu, as per the statements of parents of Captain Vijayant Thapar. They even gave Rukhsana a mobile phone to stay in touch with them. According to Col. V.N. Thapar, their son lives in Rukhsana’s eyes, heart and her minute.

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