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Eli Cohen | Israeli Spy | The man in Damascus

Thursday, 4 June 2020

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Eli Cohen, an Israeli spy who infiltrated the highest ranks of the Syrian Baath party and did espionage in Egypt and Syria. Let's see how he was forged.

Personal Life


6 December 1924 Alexandria, Egypt


18 May 1965 ( 40)


Cairo Farouk University.

Known as

Kamel Amin Thaabet

Eli Cohen Wife

Nadia Cohen

Eli Cohen Children

After the Israel Independence War

In 1954, the British pull out of Egypt completely.egypt has the strongest of the Arab countries and sworn enamy if Israel with the decision to evacuate Egypt, modern bases, airfield, and huge stores of equipment and war material would fall into the Egyptian army.israel could be the target of an aggressive attack by a larger, better Egyptian army that wanted to avenge its a shameful defect in Israel Independence War.

Israel's minister of defense Pinhas Lavon and colonel Benyamin Gibli head of military intelligence, concocted a dangerous and foolish plan if several terrorist bombing were swept Egypt, the British will return to its former bases and concluded that Egypt's couldn't maintain law and order. they carry out several bombing in Cairo and Alexandria, targeting libraries and cultural centers, cinema, post offices.

The condom was used as a timing tool for mixed chemicals and produce a minor burst of fire. the plan was doomed from staring, one of the bombs exploded in the pocket of Philip Natanson and was arrested by police and other members were caught in the following days. Eli was arrested but soon released due to a lack of evidence.

Eli had lost his friends, in 1957 he immigrates to Israel. in Israel, he found the job of translating weekly and monthly magazines for a man after a few months he was fired. One of his friends found a new job as an accountant, month later he Marty with Nadia, a nurse of Iraqi origin.

While working an intelligence officer offer him a job with high pay, Eli didn't say no and become a secret agent. In the fifties, Israel had launched a project of huge pipeline and canals that would carry a part of jorden river water to the arid Negev region.israel could not survive without jorden's water. It could not let Syria succeed and planning a response. thus Israel needed an agent in Damascus (Sami Micheal, Nadia Cohen's brother was recruited. But he refused)

Eli Cohen Jorden River map
Jorden river

Eli Cohen Training 

Cohen's training was long and exhausting. Every morning, Eli would leave home and head for the Aman training center. Eli's first instructor Yitzhak learned him to memorize things, he throws a dozen objects on the table and Eli observe them for second and described them. He also learned to identify the type and age of tanks, aircraft, and cannons. Eli's second instructor Yehuda taught him how to use a small, sophisticated radio transmitter.

Eli Cohen Training

After several days, Eli got a new identity as Kamal Amin Tablet, son of Syrian parents, born in Beirut. when you were three, your family left Lebanon and moved to Egypt to Alexandria. A year later your sister 1947 all of you arrived in Argentina. your father and uncle opened a textile store, but it went bankrupt your father died in 1956 and six months later your mother died lived with your uncle and worked as a travel agency, later were very successful.

Eli told Nadia that he got a job with a company that works with defense and foreign ministries, he needs to travel to Europe to buy tools and equipment and materials for Israel's military.

Israel to Argentina

In February 1961 one-man handed him an Israeli passport in his real name and a plane ticket to Zurich.on his arrival, Eli was met by a white-haired man who gave him a passport from another name, that passport carried an entry visa to chile and a transit visa to Argentina.he arrived in Buenos Aires and checked into a hotel .a local teacher would get in touch with him and teach him the Spanish language. After three months, Eli spoke passable Spanish, knew Buenos Aires well, dressed, and behaved like thousands of Arab immigrants living in Buenos Aires. Another tutor trained him to speak Arabic. later he handed with Syrian passport in name of kamal Amin tabet, he advised to open a bank account in that name and start visiting Arab restaurant, the cinema where Arab movies are shown, and political club.try to make as many friends possible, and establish contact with Arab leaders.he soon became a well-known figure in Arab circle. one evening he met one gentleman, Abdel Latif Hassan, editor in chief of Arab world magazine publish in Argentina.they become close friends. 

After some months, Abdel Latif Hassan introduces Eli to General Amin El-Hafez, the military attache at the embassy. Eli seemed to have completed the final stage in establishing his network. The next day he comes to Hassan's office and admitted that he is sick and tired to live in Argentina, he wanted to go back to Syria, could he help him with some letter of recommendation? .Abdel Latif Hassan immediately wrote four letters one to his brother in law, two to friends in Beirut and fourth to his son in Damascus. Eli visited other Arab friends as Abdel Latif Hassan and his briefcase was full of enthusiastic letters of recommendation.

The man in Damascus

In 1962 Eli cohen was in Damascus with crowded mosques and colorful souks, he rented a luxurious villa in the classy Abu Ramen neighborhood, close to the Syrian embassy. Eli could watch the entrance to the Syrian government officials' guest house.

Cohen established his contact quickly, his letter of recommendation opened the gates to high society. His new friends introduced Eli to top government officials, senior army officers, and leaders of the ruling party. In a display of generosity, the tabet contributed some money to build a public kitchen for the poor of Damascus.

After a few months, Eli was visited by George Salem Seif, a radio show host in charge of radio Damascus broadcast for Syrian abord. he supplies Eli with inside information about the political and military situation.

Kamel Amin Tabet in Syria

Eli started transmitting his message to Israel daily at 8 a.m. After six months kamal Amin tabet become well known. he goes aboard for business and meets Nadia and Sophie in Bat Yam.

Eli had to conceal the microfilm inexpensive boxes containing backgammon pieces .the music ornament could be dug out of the polished wood and reinserted after microfilm bad been placed in the cavity.tabet send it to Argentina, where his friend dispatches them to Israel with a diplomatic pouch.

Eli Cohen in Syria

In March 1963, General Hafez, Eli's friend was appointed minister of defense in salah Al-Birat's cabinet. Eli Cohen was now a member of the inner circle of power. Kamal Amin Tabet hosted a glamorous party in Damascus, several ministers, a large number of general and colonel, top leaders of the Baath party, businessmen. 

He has reached the apex of success, and it seems that there is no door he can't open. Eli kept transmitting reports of a military character, top military orders, reports on new weapons to Israel.

One day they took Eli to visit the Syrian positions along Israel's border. they let him see fortification and the bunkers, weapon concentrated in the area, and their offensive plans.l lieutenant Zaher Al-Din took Eli to the El Hama military camp, where large quantities of new weapons had been stored. 

Eli Cohen as a Mossad Agent

In 1963, new Ramdas who replaced Meir Amit for a few months in charge of both a man and Mossad.he transfer all operations to Mossad , Eli was now Mossad agent. In November 1964, at Tel Dan Syria open fire on Israel tractors in the demilitarized zone. soon Israel's tanks and cannon riposted with heavy fire, and minutes later mirage pounded the Syrian position and blasted the cannon of Syria that was dug.

A month later, a Syrian officer would say that one of the Israel attacks architects had been Eli Cohen, who was in Israel during the battel.eli  had succeeded in friending a Saudi entrepreneur who had been contracted to plan and dig canals, the name was his friend was bin Laden, little Osama's father. Israel attacked the project serval time later they abandon the project in 1965.

Soviet-made equipment Caught Eli red-handed

In 1965, the Syrian secret service was on high alert. their chief noticed that their decision taken by the government was broadcast to Israel. He was stunned by the precision of the Israeli bombing during the 1964 attack. He became certain that Israel had spied in the Syrian government.they made great efforts to locate the secret transmission to Israel with help of Soviet-made equipment, in January 1965 they got success.they suspect on a tablet but they verify the tablets transmission two times at 8 am precisely they broke into tablet home, Eli was caught red-handed in the transmission.

The news spread everywhere that the Syrian leader is a spy, president friend, a millionaire.

Syria's torture him but he was still lying, his face was covered with wounds, his nail was pulled out.

In January 1965, Syrian government officials announced that Eli is an Israeli after the other 69 people were arrested.

On 18 May 1965, Eli cohen was woken by the jailer and fastened the noose and hang up, the huge poster was fastened on his chest where his sentence was written in Arabic.
Even today Syria refuses to return his body for burial in Israel.

Eli cohen Death Body
Eli Cohen was hanged up in Damascus

This is a rough translation:

“In the name of the Syrian Arab people, The Military court has decided in its meeting which was held on Muharram 7th, 1385 - May 8th, 1965 to sentence Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, a resident of Tel Aviv in Occupied Palestine, to death for committing the following crimes:
  1. The crime of disguised entry into a military location.
  1. The crime of obtaining secret information is kept hidden to ensure the safety of the country to benefit the enemy.
  1. He is being executed according to the two articles 158 and 159 of the military penal code, and articles 271, 272, and 274 of the general penal code.
This is a definitive and final verdict. It was approved by
The head of the presidency council on 17/5/1965”

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