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Showing posts with label Spy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spy. Show all posts

Top amazing facts about RAW Agent

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Saturday 1 August 2020

History of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) is an external intelligence agency that protects India from external security threats. The primary function of the RAW is collecting information about security threats to India from other countries, to guide Indian policy-makers to counteract terrorism and proliferation of weapons in India and it is also involved in the security of nuclear programs of India. The Intelligence Bureau of India is one of the oldest organizations in the world, this organization used to handle both internally telling everyone and external intelligence until 1968. They used to warn and protect India from all the internal and external threats. But after the 1962 border war with China, India officials decided to have a separate external agency because of the failure of the Intelligence bureau in supporting India during china border war. This failure initiated the officials to creates crucial step and that step is Research and Analysis Wing (raw)

Foundation of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

The failure of Intelligence Bureau as an external intelligence agency resulted in establishment of new External intelligence agency called as RAW in the year of 1968. When founded raw was led by Rameshwar Nath Kao until his retirement which was in the year of 1977. Many operations were handled by RAW under his Guidance. Many say the credits for initial success of RAW goes to him. The organization started with 250 people with a budget of 20 million. As of now the agent numbers are in 1000ds and the budget announced remains unofficial. RAW directly reports to Prime minister of India, whereas other countries secret agencies reports to defense ministers. 

The Chief of raw will be appointed in Cabinet Secretariat, which is a part of Prime Minister Office. Reports say few RAW officers’ works in specialized departments such as research and Analysis department and few works in Police department. 

Top amazing facts about RAW Agent

Joining of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

Nobody can join RAW directly, there is nothing like selections for this service. They select candidates from other departments such as Armed Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Police Services, Administrative Services and the majority of the personnel are from the Intelligence Bureau. Raw is not only about spying other countries; there are many jobs departments in the RAW. Such as,Recruitment department: This department deals with selection of candidates of RAW from departments like Indian police services and other first grade services like Armed forces and intelligence bureau

Department in Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

  1. Field Officer jobs:This department people are the one who will spy on various countries to save India from threats. 
  2. Analyst Level:This department deals with analyzing the secret data and all the profiles of agents. 
  3. Experts in Various fields: Like Handwriting analyst, Computer hacker or any other expert in a field which contributes to RAW.

RAW agents are trained for all the situations in the academy. If they are assigned as a spy to any other countries then there complete Id in India will be destroyed. And at the same time new profile will be created on them in the respected countries, they are going as a spy. They have to live there with this new id and should serve for India as a normal citizen of that country. There won’t be any support from Indian government to them in those countries. So they live every second counting. If the other country officers finds out about the spy work then the agent will be tortured to maximum extent in their countries and finally death sentence will be given. This service will not give any name and fameto agents unlike military and police services. 

If anyone gets popular with their service then we can assume either he is retired or sacrificed his life to India. This job is not permanent, according to few sources their salary will be around 80 thousand to 1.5 lakhs per month. 

Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) and ISI (inter services Intelligence)

RAW was created at 1968 to protect India from external threats. Every country will have their own secret agency to protect them from the other countries. We all know about India and Pakistan Wars and missions, Like how India created RAW, Pakistan also created their own secret agency called ISI (inter services Intelligence) in the yearof 1948 that is two decades before then the creation of RAW. Their primary function is gathering, processing and analyzing the national security of Pakistan. When we compare this both agencies, they both play significant role in protecting their countries. Comparing them is actually bit difficult because of lack of information about both secret agencies. With the available information we can compare RAW and ISI in this Ways MAN power:• Collecting information depends on how effective the agents are and what technologyt got. • With a 4 times larger effective espionage manpower RAW can choose from a much larger pool of spies and hence can command a better efficiency Budget & technology.

Comparison of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) and ISI (inter services Intelligence)

The budget for RAW agency is 55 Billion dollars but Pakistan ISI budget is only 7 billion dollars. This difference in the budget shows how India was capable of affording more than 15 satellites to effective surveillance, telephonic interception .etc. Whereas Pakistan ISI has zero Level of Secrecy: Since the agents of Raw are selected from the most high level defense services, the agents are more eligible and capable for their job. Because clearing the government exams in India for defense system is not easy task. The information Of Raw never reaches the media and the officials working in it are not suppose to share anything with their family or friends for their safety. 

The headquarters of Raw still remains as amystery, that much protective the information is. Whereas few sources say the ISI information is more vulnerable and available in public domains itself. Overall the RAW works as an External intelligence agency of India to detect and analyze external threats. And to work internally India has Intelligence Bureau of India. But Pakistan ISI deals both Internal and External agencies and so the operations involve many hands in it which makes information more valunareble. There are many points that support both agencies,since the operations and their work remains as a secret it is difficult to finalize which agency is better. There are many fake news out about both the agencies. They all are doing their jobs to protect their countries and so Great respect towards them.

Mysterious facts about Indian RAW Agents

The spies who are real heroes we have seen in movies about the Raw agents and the secret agents for country's protection they stay in other countries and live in some harmful and dangerous places if have seen the movie of Krishna's Goodaand some spie movies in hindi you will have the idea of spies the stunts performed by the heroes in the movie as a spy attracts the audience expect the higher officials no body about those spies no one can identify them, these spies perform their duty for every country, every country has spies. ordinary man can't know the details or information of those spies. they are trained as such Intelligence sector only appoints the persons who is very brave and have expert in handling all the situations. even there are spies in our olden epics also like Ramayanam ,Mahabharatam. 

There are many indian Army spies who worked in British army during the independence war even now there are indian spies who are working in foreign countries. no one know who are they and they are named as Raw agents. these Raw agents work under the Research And Analysis Wing. now we will know about the indian raw agents who worked in Foreign countries.

1. Ajit Doval

Ajit Dovel presently he is current National Security Adviser of India only some of us know he is a spy. some of us know that only after his retirement.  he is a IPS officer but no will change as a spy but he changes as field agents and as a  spy performed his duties in Pakistan for 7 years. he lived in Kashmir for some years and he talked to the commanders and stopped the rally of them and made them surunder to Army. some days he turned as a Muslim and stayed in Lahore in Pakistan and stopped the attempts of Pakistan in India. 

Ajit Doval was deputed to this region when insurgency erupted in Mizoram and became a friend to the chief at some situations. he only follows Doval ideas six out of 7 of his top commanders were Doval’s friends and made them to surunder them to Army. Ajit Doval is the most famous spy and a protective agent. so government honored him as National Security Adviser of India ,after his retiremenmt. Recently surgical strikes against the Pakistan are also held in his premises.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Ajit Dovel

2. Ravindra Kaushik

Ravindra Kaushik is also named as Black Tiger and he is a powerful Raw agent. being as a raw agent in Pakistan he was caught by the Pakistan army and left his last breathe in Pakistan jail. At the age of 23 he joined as a Indian  Intelligency agent and he came in front to go to Pakistan as a spy. while others refused it he changes his name as Nabi Ahmed Shakir and learned Urdu and turned as a  Muslim and went to Pakistan.

Ravindra Kaushik did Law course in university in Pakistan and joined in the Pakistan army and changed into Islamic religion. He also married a Pakistani girl and gives the information to Indian Army from 1979 to 1983. He gave the information to India as a Raw agent every time when Pakistan made the attempt plans on India. he used to send the information to India unfortunately, 

Ravindra Kaushik was caught to the Pakistan army by the mistake of other secret agent. Even his wife don't know he is a Indian raw agent. After Ravindra Kaushik was caught, he was kept in jail for 16 years and forced him for Indian secrets. even he didn't say any secrets of India and honored as a Indian Black tiger Up to his death he believed that Indian government will save him but he died with Tuberculosis.

3. Rabinder Singh

Rabinder Singh is the another spy from Indian army he is joint secretary in RAW, after joining as a Raw agent. there is a rule that they should not contact their family but Rabinder crossed the rule and used to for America. for her sister by RAW gave a punishment to him. he didn't come back after going on a RAW investigation.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Rabinder Singh

4. Saraswathy Rajamani

Saraswathy Rajamani joined in Subhash Chandra Bose at the age of 16 and asl gave her jewelry to INA. later along with five woman she dressed as a man and joined in British army and send the information to INA she remained as the woman worked in British army by Indian INA. 

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Saraswathy Rajamani

5.Kashmir Singh 

This Punjabi man worked as a contract spy agent to RAW. He changed his name and religion and went to Pakistan and settled there and gives the information to India. He was caught by Pakistan intelligence and is kept in jail for 35 years. In that he was tied up with heavy chains for 17 years in all his jail period. He was kept in a dark room even can't see the sky .

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Kashmir Singh

6. Raazi

Raazi changed her religion and went to Pakistan and joined Pakistan army and married a Pakistan officer and worked as a Indian spy, because her husband is a officer in Army, she gathered the information and said them to India. Most of her life is spent in Pakistan and at old age. she came to India and settled here. Even her husband and children still don't know, she is a spy.

There is a film directed by her story in B-Town recently starring Alia Bhatt named Raazi he her real name is not Raazi. she is a Punjabi woman still now. she don't introduce herself and shows her Devotion towards the countrty just like in movies. There are many real Spies in IAC as Raw agents but many don't there is a agency called Raw and many spies work under it and live in dangerous places.

RAW appoints the spies to save the country from many threats they live along with us in our surroundings but no one know about them. even there are some spies in Naxalite groups and some federal groups sometimes we listen about the news on them no one know that some news who are secretly hidden are revealed by them.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories

Melita Norwood - longest-serving British spy

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Sunday 21 June 2020

Melita Norwood, beloved secretary, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother … who,for forty years, delivered nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War. 

Earlier life

Toys and Tolstoy Melita Norwood was born Melita Sirnis on March 25, 1912, in Bournemouth, England. Her parents were Alexander Sirnis, a Latvianemigré, and Gertrude Stedman, an English suffragette. Alexander had an interesting background. He had worked as a secretary for literary giant Leon Tolstoy -- author of War and Peace, among other masterpieces -- but had to flee from the final days of the Russian Empire because of his revolutionary leanings. As an exile, he found employment as an estate manager for Tolstoy’s literary executor Vladimir Chertkov. Eventually, he followed his employer in the village of Tuckton, Hampshire, Southern England, home to numerous Russian expats. Here, Chertkov founded a colony organisedin line with Tolstoyan principles of domestic simplicity and strict non-violence, in which probably possessions were discouraged. While in Tuckton, Alexander had also joined the Social Democratic Federation, a small Marxist group. He did have socialist and communist leanings,but in line with the colony principles, he did not approve of revolutionary methods … at least, not until the First World War. This was a watershed moment for many leftists across England and Europe, which led them to become disillusioned with alliance, colonialism, and the political realities of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 
In October of 1917, Alexander looked on in admiration at the events unfolding in Petrograd: the Russian Revolution, of which he becamea vocal supporter. His boss Chertkov was recalled to Moscow by Lenin, to curate the publishing of Tolstoy’s social essays, much liked by the Bolsheviks. Alexander could not join him, as he fell ill with tuberculosis, eventually dying on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918.

Did Alexander’s communist sympathies havean impact on Melita’s later life? 

For sure, father and daughter had a closebond, but Melita was only six at the time of his death, probably too young to graspthe implications of revolutionary socialism. However, we should not discount the influenceof the broader environment she grew up in. She later described her childhood in the Tuckton colony as ‘idyllic’, which may have given Melita a rose-tinted view of communism. This view was reinforced by mum Gertrude,who consistently referenced communism as a utopian ideology. On a more practical level, Gertrude gave to Melita an early taste of covert operations for the greater cause of Bolshevism: throughout Melita’s childhood, she acted as a secret conduit between the Party in Moscow and British communist headquarters in King Street, London. She and fellow party members even recruited British communists to be sent to Moscow, to train as undercover radio operators. 

Melita Norwood

Melita grew up to become a bright young girl, which she proved in 1923 by winning a scholarship to attend Itchen School, a secondary school near Southampton, in Southern England. In 1928, she was appointed school captain, a promising achievement for her future academic career. Upon graduation, in September of 1930, Melitaenrolled in Southampton University College. But she didn’t really thrive there. At the urging of her mother, she had signedup for logic and Latin, two courses she eventually came to dislike. Apparently, during the first year at Uni, all Melita learned was how to ride a motorcycle! She eventually quit her courses and movedto Paris, to her mother’s despair. In the spring of 1931, Gertrude managed todrag Melita, and her younger sister Gerty, to Heidelberg, Germany, in an effort to haveher resume her studies. It was futile. This time Melita picked up a new passion, field hockey. She and Gerty joined a team coached by Prof. Munther, head of anatomy at Heidelberg University. The Sirnis family became good friends with the professor, a left-wing social democrat and anti-Nazi activist. The Sirnis girls joined him in many demonstrations against the Nationalist Socialist party, during which they came face to face with the SA - the Brown Shirts - but luckily were not involved in any violence. These are the moments that shaped Melita’s leftist stance: socialism was the only sensible counterweights to the rise of authoritarian regimes in Europe.


Melita Norwood - Soviet Spy 1932 was a watershed year for Melita. And don’t forget, she was only 20! First, she returned to England, where she took up work as a secretary with the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association (BN-FMRA). Here, she displayed strong leadership skills by becoming an organizer for the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries. 
During this period, she also married her fiancé, Hilary Nussbaum, who later anglicised he and his wife’s surname to Norwood. Melita was clearly allergic to spare time, because in 1932, Melita also became a member of the Independent Labour Party. And joining one party may not have been enough: according to historian Christopher Andrew, Melita had a more covert allegiance, as asecret member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. We will meet Christopher Andrew again later,and you’ll see why the intrepid historian is so relevant to our story. But for the moment, let’s shift our attention to another Andrew. Here he is, our second Andrew, making his entrance -- stage left, of course. His name is Andrew Rothstein, and he is introduced to Melita by none other than her mother, Gertrude. Melita and Rothstein became close friends-- some might even say intimate friends. Their meetings were usually carefully planned to prevent prying eyes from taking too close a notice of where their hands were laying,or what their lips were whispering. I am such a tease. There wasn’t anything untoward in this two friends’ relationship. Well, at least nothing that would count asadultery: Rothstein was, in fact, a Soviet secret agent. He was Melita’s recruiter and first handler,the one who first put her in contact with the NKVD, Stalin’s secret police and the precursor to the KGB. Thanks to Rothstein’s influence, Melita had begun to spy on the UK scientific and military community on behalf of the Soviets. Her code name was ‘Hola’. In addition to her broader, pro-communismpoliti all motives, she feared a world in which Western Europe, and later the US, would holdexclusive, unchallenged nuclear power. Hola and Sonya agent Hola’s initial role was to work with a Soviet spy ring operating inside the Royal Woolwich Arsenal, in London. This vital plant was dedicated to manufacturing heavy guns for naval use, as well as field guns and other artillery equipment for the Army. For a while, everything went smoothly, butin January 1938, MI5 intervened. For those not familiar with the organisationof British Secret Services, MI5 is the agency in charge of domestic security and counter-espionage,while MI6 leads overseas operations. When MI5 got wind of the leak of secrets from the Arsenal, they arrested the three leading members of that ring. Interestingly, at this stage, they could have easily got a hold of Agent Hola, but she escaped their net. Her secret power was fantastically ordinary. she was a woman, facing condescending male agents who could not fathom that a young secretary could be capable of spying. 
Royal Woolwich Arsenal, London

In the early 1930s, MI5 agent Maxwell Knightwas probably the only operative who believed women made better spies than men. That is why he recruited Mona Maund, the middle-class daughter of a retired officer. Her mission was to infiltrate the British communist Party as a typist. Mona had a quality for observing anything,while other people hardly took notice of her. This is how she began suspecting Melita maybe involved -- she seemed to be a very active member in the Party, but was prone to long disappearan estate from time to time. Mona filed a report with Knight, who trusted her intuition. But when Knight briefed his superior, Jasper Harker, the report was just ignored! Harker believed that women could not make good spies and concluded that Norwood was not worth investigating. Following this close brush with the enemy,the NKVD handlers advised that Melita go ‘on ice’ until further notice. Knowing her aversion to inaction, it must-have been agony. Luckily for Melita, her time on the bench was short. She resumed her duties as Hola again just few months later, in May of 1938. Then, the following year, Rothstein transitioned his handling duties to a recently immigrated agent: Ursula Beurton. Ursula had landed in Great Britain posingas a German Jewish refugee fleeing from the Nazis, and she quickly established a new Sovietspy-ring, codenamed SONYA. This new ring reported not only to the NKVD, but also to the lesser-known GRU, the Soviet military intelligence agency. By 1941, the Sonya ring included our protagonist Melita among its ranks, as well as notorious double agent Klaus Fuchs – a German dissidentscientist who publicly supported the British War effort, only to defect to the Sovietsat a later stage. 
Ursula Beurton

Now, you might be wondering: what could the strategic military value of a secretary working for the BN-FMRA possibly be? And while we’re asking questions, why werethe Soviets spying on the UK during WWII? 

Let’s start with the second point: a UK-USSR alliance was not a given at the start of the war. The Ribbentropp- Molotov pact of August 1939 had formally tied Germany and the Soviets in an opportunistic anti-Polish alliance. It wasn’t until the onset of Operation Barbarossain June 1941 that the UK, and later the US, had linked arms with Stalin in order to defeatthe Axis Powers. Moreover: by the early 1940s, all the major powers had kickstarted their atomic programs. And the Soviets had no scruples about spyingon their “allies” to get a head start in the business of splitting atoms. 

Ribbentropp- Molotov pact of August 1939

Melita worked very closely with the director of BN-FMRA, a man by the name of G.L. Bailey. Bailey was a member of the advisory committee for another company, Tube Alloys. But this rather innocent and, dare I say, boringly named company was just a front for the British atomic bomb project. The link between the two companies was strengthened in March 1945, when BN-FMRA won a contract from Tube Alloys. It was Melita’s biggest opportunity yet : she would sneak into her boss’ office, open his safe, and take pictures of the classifieddocuments with a miniature camera, which she would then deliver to her handlers. The GRU was pleased, describing the findingsas "of great interest and a valuable contributionto the development of the work in this field." The KGB chipped in, describing Norwood asa "committed, reliable, and disciplined agent, striving to be of the utmost assistance." Honestly, this sounds a bit bland, the kindof feedback you would get from a bored boss at a mid-year review. The kind that ends with ‘solid performance’as an appraisal, and a Costa Coffee voucher as a bonus. However, the Soviet secret services really did hold Melita’s work in extremely high esteem. Journalist and personal acquaintance David Burke tells us that, "The information she supplied on the behaviourof uranium metal at high temperatures permitted the Soviet Union to test an atomic bomb fouryears earlier than British and American intelligence thought possible"So, yes, quite an impressive contribution from our girl Melita. Without her efforts, the Soviets would have lagged four years behind the West in their development of a nuclear arsenal. Melita gave the Soviets quality information but she also gave them quantity, too. Our mystery friend Christopher Andrew would go on to claim that Norwood was "Both the most important British female agent in KGB history and the longest serving of all Soviet spies in Britain." The MI5 wises up The end of World War II soon gave way to the threat of another conflict: the Cold War. As the Western and Communist blocs began adecades-long staring contest from either side of the Iron Curtain, MI5 began increasing their scrutiny of suspected agents. The counter-intelligence was clearly on the right path: twice in 1947, they questioned Ursula Beurton, SONYA’s ring leader, but on both occasions, they did not have enough hard evidence to really do anything. Beurton knew that it was only a matter of time before the handcuffs snapped on her wrists, so she absconded to East Germany. Her ‘star agent’ Klaus Fuchs was lesslucky, or perhaps less skilled -- he was arrested in 1950. With SONYA slowly melting around her, Melitareceived orders to go ‘on ice’ for a second time. Once again, her hibernation did not last long; by 1951, she resumed espionage activities, with additional Cold War precautions. Over the next years, the pages of Melita’s life flipped one after the other. On the surface, not much happened beyond anormal, suburban life. To her friends and family, the paragraphs in Melita’s book were filled with quiet evenings and white picket fences. But underneath the mirage, hidden by cyphersand invisible ink, a different story unfolded. Norwood was incredibly adept at stealing, acquiring, or copying sensitive scientific material and getting that information intothe hands of GRU agents. She always maintained a low profile, limitingher deliveries to just four or five a year. Normally, these took place in the suburbsof south-east London, via the usual methods favoured by Soviet spycraft: the ‘dead drop’or the ‘swipe’. Once again, the MI5 got close to arrestingher. 

In 1965, the security service had concluded that Melita had been spying for the Soviets since the 1930s. Finally! But she was neither detained nor interviewed intelligence officers wanted to hide how much they knew about her activities to protect other investigations, which is understandable, but it is surprising how she was still allowedto continue handing secrets over to the Soviets! Shortly afterwards, Melita had even graduated from recruited agent to recruiter, enlisting the services of a civil servant code named HUNT. Agent HUNT and agent HOLA were able to passextensive scientific and technical intelligence on British armaments to the KGB and GRU. These additional efforts were adequately rewarded by the Soviets: Melita was first awarded with the order of the Red Banner by the KGB and offered a monthly salary for the princely sum of … £20! In today’s money that’s £386, or $505. $6,060 a year in today’s currency, to risk your freedom, reputation and possibly your life, delivering classified information. That’s remarkably low, especially in comparisonwith other documented Soviet double agents. Take the example of Robert Hanssen, whom wehave already covered in this channel. Hanssen was an FBI agent who similarly sold secrets to the GRU and KGB, and during his first three years of activity as double agent,he was paid $30,000 a year in today’s money, by the Soviets. That’s five times as much as Melita. So, was there a glass ceiling also for femalespies? A refusal to grant equal pay? The fact is that Melita was never really interested in the cash. In fact, she refused the KGB salary! Double agents are known to act because ofthe ‘MICE’ reasons: Money, Ideology, Compromise and Ego. Hanssen was a Money and Ego kind of guy, while Norwood acted strictly off of her Ideology. Melita was seriously convinced that the Communist cause was a worthy one, and the Soviets were the good guys during the Cold War. A Quiet Retirement? In 1973, Melita turned 61 and she decided to retire. Not only from her former employers, the BN-FMRA,but also from her covert work. The spy was now a retired Granny, and laterGreat-Granny, who spent her days tending to her vegetable garden and baking pies. As those golden years ticked away, it’shard not to wonder how Melita’s faith in the Soviet system might have changed, as moreand more reports of Eastern Bloc atrocities reached the West. 

And later what was going through her head,as she saw the members of the Warsaw Pact collapsing piece by piece in the late 1980s? Had it all been worth it? What would the future be like, with only ones uperpower left in charge? And on a more personal level: would therebe any consequences for double agents like her, even if retired or ‘on ice’?

 Unbeknownst to Melita, in November 1992, aformer Soviet agent and archivist had brought thousands of documents to London that he hads muggled out of the KGB headquarters. His name was Vassili Mitrokhin. MI6 took charge of the wealth of informationin Mitrokhin’s archive, and after debriefing most of their Western allies, they decidedto allow its publication. In late 1995, Mitrokhin was introduced tothe official historian of MI5. His name was Christopher Andrew. Mitrokhin and Andrew worked for years on their volume, The Mitrokhin Archive, which was scheduled for publication in the Autumn of 1999. By then, the ripple effect of these not-so-secretse retail had already spread across the UK Government. In December 1998, British Home Secretary Jack Straw was informed for the first time about Melita's role and consulted with the Security services and the Attorney General on whether to prosecute her. In April 1999, they reached a decision: noaction would be taken against the former agent Hola, due to her age and to the fact that 26 years had passed since her retirement as a spy. This does make some sense; however, it is also possible that Straw had considered the consequences of a public trial namely, exposing the embarrassing past failures of the MI5. Melita Norwood remained blissfully unaware of the debate surrounding her status as a private citizen in the corridors of power. 


By September 1999, she had developed a friendship with author David Burke, a Russian literature scholar. Burke regularly travelled from Leeds to London to sit down with Melita and interview her about her father’s work with Lev Tolstoy. The two usually had Sunday lunch together, Melita fixing a dish of fish fingers, greens from her garden and tea served in Che Guevara mugs. Apart from the last detail, I can’t think of anything more English than that. On the 11th of that September, Burke was onhis way to Melita’s when he noticed an article in The Times. Featuring a pre-view of The Mitrokhin Archive,the article exposed Melita as the spy who had betrayed British scientific secrets tothe Soviet Union for 40 years. That was a bombshell! And of course, the British press had a blast,identifying Melita as ‘The Great-Granny Spy’, or even better “The Spy who came in from the Co-op” A pun on the famous John Le Carré novel andthe most under whelming of British local super markets. David Burke immediately phoned Melita aftershe had been exposed and asked if the two could meet anyways. Melita replied“You’d better come next week. The world’s press has found its way to mydoorstep. You see, I have been rather a naughty girl.” Indeed, Melita was being hounded by journalists offering lucrative deals for her to tell her story, but as usual, money was no big motivatorfor her. She even declared to the BBC:"I did what I did, not to make money, but to help prevent the defeat of a new system which had, at great cost, given ordinary people food and fares which they could afford, agood education and a health service." Melita also explained that her husband Hilary– who had died in 1986 – knew all about her espionage activities. He disapproved, of course, but had never tried to stop her. On the other hand, their only daughter Anita was as surprised as everybody else. When questioned about her motives, Melita added “I thought perhaps what I had access to might be useful in helping Russia to keep abreast of Britain, America and Germany … ingeneral, I do not agree with spying against one's country.” Melita turned down all the offers from newspapers, preferring to tell her story – for free – to her friend David Burke. With fish fingers on the side. LegacySix years later, Melita Norwood died of cancer and heart disease at New Cross Hospital,  Wolverhampton, on June 2, 2005. If you want to learn more about this peculiarspy, we can recommend David Burke’s own book: “The Spy who came in from the Co-op”. For a fictionalised, and rather embellished account, you can also check out 2013 novel ‘Red Joan’ by Jennie Rooney, adapted as a film in April 2019 with Judi Dench in the lead. 

The effectiveness and importance of Melita Norwood as a spy has been questioned by some intelligence analysts, who argued that Soviet research may have already been in possession of the so-called ‘secrets’ she delivered. However, Mitrokhin’s papers themselves acknowled ge that agent Hola was held in high esteem by Moscow, so much so that the KGB and GRU frequently argued on who should be handling her. The KGB even considered her to be more of value than the famous ‘Cambridge Five’ – a ring of British double agents which included: MI6 operatives Kim Philby and Guy Burgess;diplomat Donald Maclean; art historian and art curator for the Royal Family, Anthony Blunt; and civil servant John Cairncross. These five are remembered as some of the most dangerous Western traitors in espionage history … and yet, according to the KGB, they had nothing on Melita Norwood. 

Ravindra Kaushik RAW Agent ( Black Tiger) Age, Wife, son

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Saturday 20 June 2020

Who is Ravindra Kaushik

Ravindra Kaushik was the real-life spy known by "Black tiger" (The title “Black Tiger" was given by India’s then home minister S.B. Chavan.) who famous for espionage in Pakistan between 1975–1983.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

Personal Life of Ravindra Kaushik

Date of birth

-11 April 1952 
Date of Death

-2001 (49 Year)
Birth Place

-Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India

-Government School in Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan
College-BCom from SD Bhani College in Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan

-LLB from University of Karachi

-Acting, Watching Films
Ravindra Kaushik Wife

-Amanat (Pakistan)
Ravindra Kaushik son-Son - Areeb Ahmed Khan

Ravindra Kaushik son
Ravindra Kaushik son

Ravindra Kaushik Father

-JM Kaushik (Indian Airforce)
Ravindra Kaushik Mother

Ravindra Kaushik Siblings
-Brother - Rajeshwarnath Kaushik 
-Sister - Name Unknown


Agency-Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
Other Name-Nabi Ahmad Shakir, Black Tiger
Known For-Indian SPY

Earlier life of Ravindra Kaushik

Ravindra Kaushik Born and brought up in Sriganganagar, a border town in Rajasthan, After his schooling, he attended a private college, SD Bihani College, in Sri Ganganagar. While in college, Ravindra developed a skill for acting and started participating in plays and dramas. Once, he was performing in a play in Lucknow, he was approached by a RAW Officer to join RAW. Ravindra accepted it and join the RAW. After completing his graduation in Commerce, he went to Delhi. During his training, he had to learn Urdu and the customs of Pakistan. 

Ravindra Kaushik: Raw secret agent

Real Tiger

In 1975, Kaushik was sent to Pakistan on a mission. He converted to Islam and given the name "Nabi Ahmed Shakir". To show him a pure Muslim, Sunnat (circumcision) was also performed on Kaushik. In Pakistan he took admission to Karachi University and completed his LLB, Ravindra Kaushik was inducted into the Pakistan Army where he became an Auditor in the Military Accounts Department of Pakistan Army. He becomes a Major. Ravindra Kaushik soon came into the contact with Amanat, they got married and later they have a son Areeb Ahmed Khan who died. In 2012-2013.

Ravindra Kaushik| strange Military Stories
Ravindra Kaushik

In 1979, he carried out major operations, Upto 1983, Kaushik transmitted several valuable information (Atomic plants, Army reforms) to  RAW.

It was all going well with Kaushik until 1983 when his cover was inadvertently blown out by another Indian agent called Inayat Masiha; who was a low-level operative and soon caught by Pakistan as he was crossing the border. During interrogation, Inayat Masiha broke down and revealed his purpose. He identified Black Tiger and Kaushik was arrested immediately on charges of espionage. At that time, Kaushik was 29-year-old. Kaushik was then captured, tortured for two years at an interrogation center in Sialkot. 

Why did India not claim the body of Ravindra Kaushik?

In 1985, Kaushik was awarded the death sentence. However, in 1990, it was converted into the life-term. He was kept in various jails in Pakistan including Sialkot and Kot Lakhpat; where he spent the last 18 years of his life.

He had spent 26 years of his life away from his family and home in unfavorable conditions. He was buried behind the Central Jail in Multan. During his imprisonment, Kaushik secretly sent out half a dozen letters to his family; telling them of the barbarism he was subjected to. In a letter, he asked:

Kya Bharat jaise bade desh ke liye kurbani dene waalon ko yahi milta hai?”

In another letter, just three days before his death, Ravindra Kaushik wrote a bitter note:

Had I been an American, I would have been out of this jail in three days.”

Since 1987, Ravindra Kaushik's younger brother, Rajeshwarnath Kaushik, and his mother, Amladevi, had written several letters to various Indian officials to rescue Ravindra Kaushik from Pakistan. However, they couldn’t get help from any of them. His mother, Amladevi, had also written a letter to the then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, in which she wrote-

Had he not been exposed, Kaushik would have been a senior army officer of the Pakistan government by now and (continued in) the coming years (serving India secretly).”

Facts about Ravindra Kaushik

  1. Ravindra Kaushik is also named Black Tiger and he is a powerful Raw agent being a raw agent in Pakistan.
  2. Ravindra Kaushik was caught by the Pakistan army and left his last breathe in Pakistan jail at the age of 23.
  3. Ravindra Kaushik joined in Indian  Intelligence agent and he came in front to go to Pakistan as a spy while others refused it he changes his name to Nabi Ahmed Shakir and learned Urdu and turned as a  Muslim and went to Pakistan.
  4. Ravindra Kaushik did Law course at a university in Pakistan and joined the Pakistan army and changed to the Islamic religion.
  5. Ravindra Kaushik also married a Pakistani girl and gives the information to the Indian Army from 1979 to 1983 he gave the information to India as a Raw agent every time when Pakistan made the attempt plans on India he used to send the information to India unfortunately he was caught to the Pakistan army by the mistake of another secret agent even his wife don't know he is an Indian raw agent.
  6. After he was caught he was kept in jail for 16 years and forced him for Indian secrets even he didn't say any secrets of India and honored as an Indian Black tiger Up to his death.
  7. Ravindra Kaushik believed that the Indian government will save him but he died with Tuberculosis.

Biography of Ravindra Kaushik in Hindi

Eli Cohen | Israeli Spy | The man in Damascus

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Thursday 4 June 2020

Eli Cohen, an Israeli spy who infiltrated the highest ranks of the Syrian Baath party and did espionage in Egypt and Syria. Let's see how he was forged.

Personal Life


6 December 1924 Alexandria, Egypt


18 May 1965 ( 40)


Cairo Farouk University.

Known as

Kamel Amin Thaabet

Eli Cohen Wife

Nadia Cohen

Eli Cohen Children

After the Israel Independence War

In 1954, the British pull out of Egypt completely.egypt has the strongest of the Arab countries and sworn enamy if Israel with the decision to evacuate Egypt, modern bases, airfield, and huge stores of equipment and war material would fall into the Egyptian army.israel could be the target of an aggressive attack by a larger, better Egyptian army that wanted to avenge its a shameful defect in Israel Independence War.

Israel's minister of defense Pinhas Lavon and colonel Benyamin Gibli head of military intelligence, concocted a dangerous and foolish plan if several terrorist bombing were swept Egypt, the British will return to its former bases and concluded that Egypt's couldn't maintain law and order. they carry out several bombing in Cairo and Alexandria, targeting libraries and cultural centers, cinema, post offices.

The condom was used as a timing tool for mixed chemicals and produce a minor burst of fire. the plan was doomed from staring, one of the bombs exploded in the pocket of Philip Natanson and was arrested by police and other members were caught in the following days. Eli was arrested but soon released due to a lack of evidence.

Eli had lost his friends, in 1957 he immigrates to Israel. in Israel, he found the job of translating weekly and monthly magazines for a man after a few months he was fired. One of his friends found a new job as an accountant, month later he Marty with Nadia, a nurse of Iraqi origin.

While working an intelligence officer offer him a job with high pay, Eli didn't say no and become a secret agent. In the fifties, Israel had launched a project of huge pipeline and canals that would carry a part of jorden river water to the arid Negev region.israel could not survive without jorden's water. It could not let Syria succeed and planning a response. thus Israel needed an agent in Damascus (Sami Micheal, Nadia Cohen's brother was recruited. But he refused)

Eli Cohen Jorden River map
Jorden river

Eli Cohen Training 

Cohen's training was long and exhausting. Every morning, Eli would leave home and head for the Aman training center. Eli's first instructor Yitzhak learned him to memorize things, he throws a dozen objects on the table and Eli observe them for second and described them. He also learned to identify the type and age of tanks, aircraft, and cannons. Eli's second instructor Yehuda taught him how to use a small, sophisticated radio transmitter.

Eli Cohen Training

After several days, Eli got a new identity as Kamal Amin Tablet, son of Syrian parents, born in Beirut. when you were three, your family left Lebanon and moved to Egypt to Alexandria. A year later your sister 1947 all of you arrived in Argentina. your father and uncle opened a textile store, but it went bankrupt your father died in 1956 and six months later your mother died lived with your uncle and worked as a travel agency, later were very successful.

Eli told Nadia that he got a job with a company that works with defense and foreign ministries, he needs to travel to Europe to buy tools and equipment and materials for Israel's military.

Israel to Argentina

In February 1961 one-man handed him an Israeli passport in his real name and a plane ticket to Zurich.on his arrival, Eli was met by a white-haired man who gave him a passport from another name, that passport carried an entry visa to chile and a transit visa to Argentina.he arrived in Buenos Aires and checked into a hotel .a local teacher would get in touch with him and teach him the Spanish language. After three months, Eli spoke passable Spanish, knew Buenos Aires well, dressed, and behaved like thousands of Arab immigrants living in Buenos Aires. Another tutor trained him to speak Arabic. later he handed with Syrian passport in name of kamal Amin tabet, he advised to open a bank account in that name and start visiting Arab restaurant, the cinema where Arab movies are shown, and political club.try to make as many friends possible, and establish contact with Arab leaders.he soon became a well-known figure in Arab circle. one evening he met one gentleman, Abdel Latif Hassan, editor in chief of Arab world magazine publish in Argentina.they become close friends. 

After some months, Abdel Latif Hassan introduces Eli to General Amin El-Hafez, the military attache at the embassy. Eli seemed to have completed the final stage in establishing his network. The next day he comes to Hassan's office and admitted that he is sick and tired to live in Argentina, he wanted to go back to Syria, could he help him with some letter of recommendation? .Abdel Latif Hassan immediately wrote four letters one to his brother in law, two to friends in Beirut and fourth to his son in Damascus. Eli visited other Arab friends as Abdel Latif Hassan and his briefcase was full of enthusiastic letters of recommendation.

The man in Damascus

In 1962 Eli cohen was in Damascus with crowded mosques and colorful souks, he rented a luxurious villa in the classy Abu Ramen neighborhood, close to the Syrian embassy. Eli could watch the entrance to the Syrian government officials' guest house.

Cohen established his contact quickly, his letter of recommendation opened the gates to high society. His new friends introduced Eli to top government officials, senior army officers, and leaders of the ruling party. In a display of generosity, the tabet contributed some money to build a public kitchen for the poor of Damascus.

After a few months, Eli was visited by George Salem Seif, a radio show host in charge of radio Damascus broadcast for Syrian abord. he supplies Eli with inside information about the political and military situation.

Kamel Amin Tabet in Syria

Eli started transmitting his message to Israel daily at 8 a.m. After six months kamal Amin tabet become well known. he goes aboard for business and meets Nadia and Sophie in Bat Yam.

Eli had to conceal the microfilm inexpensive boxes containing backgammon pieces .the music ornament could be dug out of the polished wood and reinserted after microfilm bad been placed in the cavity.tabet send it to Argentina, where his friend dispatches them to Israel with a diplomatic pouch.

Eli Cohen in Syria

In March 1963, General Hafez, Eli's friend was appointed minister of defense in salah Al-Birat's cabinet. Eli Cohen was now a member of the inner circle of power. Kamal Amin Tabet hosted a glamorous party in Damascus, several ministers, a large number of general and colonel, top leaders of the Baath party, businessmen. 

He has reached the apex of success, and it seems that there is no door he can't open. Eli kept transmitting reports of a military character, top military orders, reports on new weapons to Israel.

One day they took Eli to visit the Syrian positions along Israel's border. they let him see fortification and the bunkers, weapon concentrated in the area, and their offensive plans.l lieutenant Zaher Al-Din took Eli to the El Hama military camp, where large quantities of new weapons had been stored. 

Eli Cohen as a Mossad Agent

In 1963, new Ramdas who replaced Meir Amit for a few months in charge of both a man and Mossad.he transfer all operations to Mossad , Eli was now Mossad agent. In November 1964, at Tel Dan Syria open fire on Israel tractors in the demilitarized zone. soon Israel's tanks and cannon riposted with heavy fire, and minutes later mirage pounded the Syrian position and blasted the cannon of Syria that was dug.

A month later, a Syrian officer would say that one of the Israel attacks architects had been Eli Cohen, who was in Israel during the battel.eli  had succeeded in friending a Saudi entrepreneur who had been contracted to plan and dig canals, the name was his friend was bin Laden, little Osama's father. Israel attacked the project serval time later they abandon the project in 1965.

Soviet-made equipment Caught Eli red-handed

In 1965, the Syrian secret service was on high alert. their chief noticed that their decision taken by the government was broadcast to Israel. He was stunned by the precision of the Israeli bombing during the 1964 attack. He became certain that Israel had spied in the Syrian government.they made great efforts to locate the secret transmission to Israel with help of Soviet-made equipment, in January 1965 they got success.they suspect on a tablet but they verify the tablets transmission two times at 8 am precisely they broke into tablet home, Eli was caught red-handed in the transmission.

The news spread everywhere that the Syrian leader is a spy, president friend, a millionaire.

Syria's torture him but he was still lying, his face was covered with wounds, his nail was pulled out.

In January 1965, Syrian government officials announced that Eli is an Israeli after the other 69 people were arrested.

On 18 May 1965, Eli cohen was woken by the jailer and fastened the noose and hang up, the huge poster was fastened on his chest where his sentence was written in Arabic.
Even today Syria refuses to return his body for burial in Israel.

Eli cohen Death Body
Eli Cohen was hanged up in Damascus

This is a rough translation:

“In the name of the Syrian Arab people, The Military court has decided in its meeting which was held on Muharram 7th, 1385 - May 8th, 1965 to sentence Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen, a resident of Tel Aviv in Occupied Palestine, to death for committing the following crimes:
  1. The crime of disguised entry into a military location.
  1. The crime of obtaining secret information is kept hidden to ensure the safety of the country to benefit the enemy.
  1. He is being executed according to the two articles 158 and 159 of the military penal code, and articles 271, 272, and 274 of the general penal code.
This is a definitive and final verdict. It was approved by
The head of the presidency council on 17/5/1965”

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