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Top amazing facts about RAW Agent

Saturday 1 August 2020

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History of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) is an external intelligence agency that protects India from external security threats. The primary function of the RAW is collecting information about security threats to India from other countries, to guide Indian policy-makers to counteract terrorism and proliferation of weapons in India and it is also involved in the security of nuclear programs of India. The Intelligence Bureau of India is one of the oldest organizations in the world, this organization used to handle both internally telling everyone and external intelligence until 1968. They used to warn and protect India from all the internal and external threats. But after the 1962 border war with China, India officials decided to have a separate external agency because of the failure of the Intelligence bureau in supporting India during china border war. This failure initiated the officials to creates crucial step and that step is Research and Analysis Wing (raw)

Foundation of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

The failure of Intelligence Bureau as an external intelligence agency resulted in establishment of new External intelligence agency called as RAW in the year of 1968. When founded raw was led by Rameshwar Nath Kao until his retirement which was in the year of 1977. Many operations were handled by RAW under his Guidance. Many say the credits for initial success of RAW goes to him. The organization started with 250 people with a budget of 20 million. As of now the agent numbers are in 1000ds and the budget announced remains unofficial. RAW directly reports to Prime minister of India, whereas other countries secret agencies reports to defense ministers. 

The Chief of raw will be appointed in Cabinet Secretariat, which is a part of Prime Minister Office. Reports say few RAW officers’ works in specialized departments such as research and Analysis department and few works in Police department. 

Top amazing facts about RAW Agent

Joining of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

Nobody can join RAW directly, there is nothing like selections for this service. They select candidates from other departments such as Armed Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Police Services, Administrative Services and the majority of the personnel are from the Intelligence Bureau. Raw is not only about spying other countries; there are many jobs departments in the RAW. Such as,Recruitment department: This department deals with selection of candidates of RAW from departments like Indian police services and other first grade services like Armed forces and intelligence bureau

Department in Research And Analysis Wing (RAW)

  1. Field Officer jobs:This department people are the one who will spy on various countries to save India from threats. 
  2. Analyst Level:This department deals with analyzing the secret data and all the profiles of agents. 
  3. Experts in Various fields: Like Handwriting analyst, Computer hacker or any other expert in a field which contributes to RAW.

RAW agents are trained for all the situations in the academy. If they are assigned as a spy to any other countries then there complete Id in India will be destroyed. And at the same time new profile will be created on them in the respected countries, they are going as a spy. They have to live there with this new id and should serve for India as a normal citizen of that country. There won’t be any support from Indian government to them in those countries. So they live every second counting. If the other country officers finds out about the spy work then the agent will be tortured to maximum extent in their countries and finally death sentence will be given. This service will not give any name and fameto agents unlike military and police services. 

If anyone gets popular with their service then we can assume either he is retired or sacrificed his life to India. This job is not permanent, according to few sources their salary will be around 80 thousand to 1.5 lakhs per month. 

Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) and ISI (inter services Intelligence)

RAW was created at 1968 to protect India from external threats. Every country will have their own secret agency to protect them from the other countries. We all know about India and Pakistan Wars and missions, Like how India created RAW, Pakistan also created their own secret agency called ISI (inter services Intelligence) in the yearof 1948 that is two decades before then the creation of RAW. Their primary function is gathering, processing and analyzing the national security of Pakistan. When we compare this both agencies, they both play significant role in protecting their countries. Comparing them is actually bit difficult because of lack of information about both secret agencies. With the available information we can compare RAW and ISI in this Ways MAN power:• Collecting information depends on how effective the agents are and what technologyt got. • With a 4 times larger effective espionage manpower RAW can choose from a much larger pool of spies and hence can command a better efficiency Budget & technology.

Comparison of Research And Analysis Wing (RAW) and ISI (inter services Intelligence)

The budget for RAW agency is 55 Billion dollars but Pakistan ISI budget is only 7 billion dollars. This difference in the budget shows how India was capable of affording more than 15 satellites to effective surveillance, telephonic interception .etc. Whereas Pakistan ISI has zero Level of Secrecy: Since the agents of Raw are selected from the most high level defense services, the agents are more eligible and capable for their job. Because clearing the government exams in India for defense system is not easy task. The information Of Raw never reaches the media and the officials working in it are not suppose to share anything with their family or friends for their safety. 

The headquarters of Raw still remains as amystery, that much protective the information is. Whereas few sources say the ISI information is more vulnerable and available in public domains itself. Overall the RAW works as an External intelligence agency of India to detect and analyze external threats. And to work internally India has Intelligence Bureau of India. But Pakistan ISI deals both Internal and External agencies and so the operations involve many hands in it which makes information more valunareble. There are many points that support both agencies,since the operations and their work remains as a secret it is difficult to finalize which agency is better. There are many fake news out about both the agencies. They all are doing their jobs to protect their countries and so Great respect towards them.

Mysterious facts about Indian RAW Agents

The spies who are real heroes we have seen in movies about the Raw agents and the secret agents for country's protection they stay in other countries and live in some harmful and dangerous places if have seen the movie of Krishna's Goodaand some spie movies in hindi you will have the idea of spies the stunts performed by the heroes in the movie as a spy attracts the audience expect the higher officials no body about those spies no one can identify them, these spies perform their duty for every country, every country has spies. ordinary man can't know the details or information of those spies. they are trained as such Intelligence sector only appoints the persons who is very brave and have expert in handling all the situations. even there are spies in our olden epics also like Ramayanam ,Mahabharatam. 

There are many indian Army spies who worked in British army during the independence war even now there are indian spies who are working in foreign countries. no one know who are they and they are named as Raw agents. these Raw agents work under the Research And Analysis Wing. now we will know about the indian raw agents who worked in Foreign countries.

1. Ajit Doval

Ajit Dovel presently he is current National Security Adviser of India only some of us know he is a spy. some of us know that only after his retirement.  he is a IPS officer but no will change as a spy but he changes as field agents and as a  spy performed his duties in Pakistan for 7 years. he lived in Kashmir for some years and he talked to the commanders and stopped the rally of them and made them surunder to Army. some days he turned as a Muslim and stayed in Lahore in Pakistan and stopped the attempts of Pakistan in India. 

Ajit Doval was deputed to this region when insurgency erupted in Mizoram and became a friend to the chief at some situations. he only follows Doval ideas six out of 7 of his top commanders were Doval’s friends and made them to surunder them to Army. Ajit Doval is the most famous spy and a protective agent. so government honored him as National Security Adviser of India ,after his retiremenmt. Recently surgical strikes against the Pakistan are also held in his premises.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Ajit Dovel

2. Ravindra Kaushik

Ravindra Kaushik is also named as Black Tiger and he is a powerful Raw agent. being as a raw agent in Pakistan he was caught by the Pakistan army and left his last breathe in Pakistan jail. At the age of 23 he joined as a Indian  Intelligency agent and he came in front to go to Pakistan as a spy. while others refused it he changes his name as Nabi Ahmed Shakir and learned Urdu and turned as a  Muslim and went to Pakistan.

Ravindra Kaushik did Law course in university in Pakistan and joined in the Pakistan army and changed into Islamic religion. He also married a Pakistani girl and gives the information to Indian Army from 1979 to 1983. He gave the information to India as a Raw agent every time when Pakistan made the attempt plans on India. he used to send the information to India unfortunately, 

Ravindra Kaushik was caught to the Pakistan army by the mistake of other secret agent. Even his wife don't know he is a Indian raw agent. After Ravindra Kaushik was caught, he was kept in jail for 16 years and forced him for Indian secrets. even he didn't say any secrets of India and honored as a Indian Black tiger Up to his death he believed that Indian government will save him but he died with Tuberculosis.

3. Rabinder Singh

Rabinder Singh is the another spy from Indian army he is joint secretary in RAW, after joining as a Raw agent. there is a rule that they should not contact their family but Rabinder crossed the rule and used to for America. for her sister by RAW gave a punishment to him. he didn't come back after going on a RAW investigation.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Rabinder Singh

4. Saraswathy Rajamani

Saraswathy Rajamani joined in Subhash Chandra Bose at the age of 16 and asl gave her jewelry to INA. later along with five woman she dressed as a man and joined in British army and send the information to INA she remained as the woman worked in British army by Indian INA. 

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Saraswathy Rajamani

5.Kashmir Singh 

This Punjabi man worked as a contract spy agent to RAW. He changed his name and religion and went to Pakistan and settled there and gives the information to India. He was caught by Pakistan intelligence and is kept in jail for 35 years. In that he was tied up with heavy chains for 17 years in all his jail period. He was kept in a dark room even can't see the sky .

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories
Kashmir Singh

6. Raazi

Raazi changed her religion and went to Pakistan and joined Pakistan army and married a Pakistan officer and worked as a Indian spy, because her husband is a officer in Army, she gathered the information and said them to India. Most of her life is spent in Pakistan and at old age. she came to India and settled here. Even her husband and children still don't know, she is a spy.

There is a film directed by her story in B-Town recently starring Alia Bhatt named Raazi he her real name is not Raazi. she is a Punjabi woman still now. she don't introduce herself and shows her Devotion towards the countrty just like in movies. There are many real Spies in IAC as Raw agents but many don't there is a agency called Raw and many spies work under it and live in dangerous places.

RAW appoints the spies to save the country from many threats they live along with us in our surroundings but no one know about them. even there are some spies in Naxalite groups and some federal groups sometimes we listen about the news on them no one know that some news who are secretly hidden are revealed by them.

Research and analysis wings raw Agent | strange Military Stories

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