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Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Iran Nuclear Deal

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Thursday 6 August 2020

In 1953, the US president Eisenhower gave a speech at the UN General Assembly entitled "Atom for Peace' (AFP). The US was determined to use atomic technology for peaceful purposes within and among developing counties for civilian nuclear programmes. The recipient states were to use the nuclear technology only for civilian and peaceful purposes. The Iranian nuclear programme (INP) began in 195 when Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran entered into an agreement to cooperate on civilian use of atomi energy. 

In 1959, in the University of Tehran, the Iranian Shah established the Tehran Nuclear Research Centre and initiated negotiations with the US under AFP for civilian nuclear support. In 1967, the US established a 5 MW nuclear reactor with highly enriched uranium fuel to fuel the reactor at the Tehran Nuclear Research Centre (NRC), which had the capacity to produce 600 g of plutonium per year in spent fuel. Akbar Etemad was the father of the INP. Under the AFP, Iranian scientists also got an opportunity to get trained in the US. In 1974, Iran created the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran to achieve the target of training manpower for 20 reactors in the next 20 years. Subsequently, in 1975, the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran and MIT entered into an agreement to train Iranian nuclear scientists.
Things changed after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. When the rule of the Shah came to an end in 1979, the US suspended all nuclear cooperation with Iran. Iran, on the other hand, continued to receive support from Russia, China and Abdul Qadeer Khan nuclear arms bazaar. Russians helped Iranians in building a heavy water reactor in Iran that has capabilities to produce weapons grade plutonium. China assisted Iran with two sub-critical reactors and electromagnetic isotope separation technology for the Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre. 

Pakistan provided Iran with P-1 and P-2 centrifuges that were used to enrich the uranium. Pakistan also gave Iran technical drawings and advanced design for reactors. Initially, Ayatollah Khomeini reduced the intensity of the INP, but the 1980 Iran-Iraq war brought about a rethinking in Iran about its nuclear programme. In 1983, Iran asked the IAEA to provide Iran assistance for technical help in setting up of a plant to provide uranium hexafluoride (UF6) required for enrichment. With assistance for France, Iran had established a home-grown facility to develop nuclear fuel at Esfahan Nuclear Technology Centre (ENTEC). The IAEA, under Article X1-A of its statute, was obligated to help a member state with such a project. In the same year, a team from the IAEA visited ENTEC to assist Iran

local expertise. Finally, due to the US pressure, however, the IAEA did not initiate any support. As time progressed, the US applied more pressure on the IAEA and other states to refrain from iting Iran. In 1995, then Iranian President Rafsanjani decided to break the ice and began to improve He gave a firm named Conoco a contract on 6 May 1995 to develop an Iranian offshore oil field in he Persian Gulf but the Clinton administration prevented the firm from going ahead. Clinton continued sanctions against Iran while Rafsanjani signed an agreement with Russia to begin work on completing the incomplete Bushehr plant. From 1976 to 2003, as per the subsidiary arrangements of the safeguards agreement between Iran and the IAEA, Iran had to report any new facility to the IAEA within 180 days along with providing information on any new location or outside facility. Since 1992, the subsidiary arrangement that were part of the safeguard agreement began to change but Iran was not a party to change in the safeguard agreements till 2003. The Iranian opposition party, Mujahideen Khalq Organisation (MKO), revealed that Iran had established a secret facility at Natanz. As Iran was not a party to the changing safeguard agreements till 2003, by not declaring the Natanz facility within 180 days, it did not violate any legal obligation of the IAEA.

Since 1992, the Board of Governors at the IAEA began to accept the subsidiary arrangement called modified Code 3.1, which required a member state to notify any decision to setup a new facility immediately. In 2003, Iran agreed to abide by the modified Code 3.1, but as the US sanctions continued, Iran refused to finally ratify the code. Iran began negotiations with the EU-3, that is, Britain, France and Germany. The talks led to the adoption of Sadabad Declaration between Iran, Britain, France and Germany, whereby Iran decided to suspend all uranium enrichment. This was followed in 2004 with the Paris Agreement. Under this, it was agreed that Iran and EU-3 will look for a long-term agreement to ensure an INP for peaceful purposes. The Sadabad Declaration and the Paris Agreement failed as Iran ud not get a security guarantee for any attack on Iran. Iran said that it got a box of chocolates out of deals, which was empty. Since 2006, Iran resumed enriched at its facility in Natanz. The belligerent policy of the US on Iran gave rise to a hardliner in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who became the next president. The refusal of Iran to ratify the modified Code 3.1 led the US to send the Iranian dossier for sanctions to the UN Security Council. In 2009, Iran sent a letter to the IAEA declaring that it is constructing a second uranium enrichment facility at Fordo under the mountain. As the Iranian Majles had not ratified the modified Code 3.1, it was not bound to follow. Tensions between the US and Iran continued. In 2006, China, Russia and the US joined the group of EU-3, becoming the P5 + 1. Germany was a key trading partner of Iran and its nuclear programme depended upon German products and services. German firms like Siemens, MercedRLngi, Krapp and Volkswagen were also heavily operational with Iran. The negotiations of P5 +1 did not yield any results due to the presence of the hardliner Ahmadinejad. 

In 2012. ute election of Hassan Rouhani, things began to progress further. The first success was achieved n the as per the Geneva Accord, where a Joint Plan of Action was achieved. It was further negotiated 13, leading to a final Join Plan of Action (JCPOA) in June 2015. The 2013 Geneva deal acknowledge Iran has to accept that it would not enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb. The deal accepted the ft it is a step-by-step solution where actions by Iran in good faith shall gradually lead to a comprehensive solution, and would finally involve an integrated whole, where nothing would be agreed upon everything would be agreed upon. Under the Geneva Agreement, Iran was not to enrich uranium beyond 5 per cent. Iran would make no advances of activities at facilities in Natanz, Arak and Fordo.

In 2015, under the Lausanne framework Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran has agreed not enrich uranium beyond 3-6 per cent. It retains the right for a peaceful nuclear programme. Iran woda cut centrifuges from 19,000 to 6,104, with 5,060 centrifuges for enrichment. This makes it tough for i to make a bomb. Iran would also reduce its stockpile from 10,000 kg to 300 kg, ensuring transparent in its peaceful use of nuclear technology. The IAEA will access all nuclear facilities of Iran and there be gradual lifting of sanctions. Iran has to address the concerns of the IAEA related to possible milit dimensions of its nuclear programme and has to redesign the heavy water facility at Arak and transfo the Fordo facility into a physics research centre. 

The Middle Eastern states had a mixed response to this arrangement. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and the Lebanon's speaker Nabih Berri welcomed the deal, along with the Syrians. Saudi Arabia felt that the Iran deal allowed Iran to maintain a nuclear threshold and that the elimination of sanctions will economically revive Iran. A strong Iran will allow it to assert its hegemony over Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Though Israel has criticised the deal, we need to remember that Israel has actually never witnessed any existent threat from Iran. It has, however, faced regional competition post-withdrawal of sanctions For Israel, the real issue, therefore, is not the bomb but the regional balance of power. 

A nuclear Iran, even for civilian we threatens the decade-old strategy of allowing Israel to be an unrivalled military power of the Middle East Israel knows that allowing Iran to have a civilian nuclear facility means that Iran too shall have the flexibility to turn military in nature at a short notice. Such a situation would severely delimit the ability of Israel te be the only player in the Middle East to establish regional hegemony with 200-plus unmonitored nuclear warheads. For Saudi, the revival of the regional GCC to prepare for a long-term confrontation with Tehran is the only option. 

A renewed attempt to strengthen the Saudi-Pakistan axis is already underway. Iran has decided to follow the Chinese model. The idea is to get the sanctions removed and get rich and then use the wealth to establish Iran as a regional hegemony. Israel and Saudi Arabia both fear the dominance of Iran stretching from Beirut, Damascus to Baghdad and Aden. This fear is disturbing the balance of power in the Middle East post the 2015 Nuclear Deal.

Top 10 most powerful weapons of America

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Thursday 2 July 2020

Top 10 most powerful weapons of America

The U.S. military is clearly the most sophisticated,most advanced and most powerful force on the planet for a very simple reason - having the best weapons. But what are top of these weapon systems America has? 

1.AH-64 Apache

AH-64 Apache

AH-64 Apache is an American four-blade twin-turboattack helicopter. It features a nose-mounted sensor suited for target acquisition and night vision systems. Equipped with a 30-millimeter cannon, Hellfire missiles and sophisticated sensors, the Apache combines speed, firepower and range that allows the Army to strike enemies long before they come within firing distance. It is equally useful at hunting down insurgents or destroying enemy armored columns in every kind of warfare.

2.The Arleigh Burke class destroyers 

Arleigh Burke class destroyer

The Arleigh Burke class destroyers are some of the most balanced, capable ships fielded by any modern navy. The heart of the Burke's combat systems is in its Aegis radar system, which is capable of directing a variety of air defense missiles against incoming targets. The destroyers are heavily armed with conventional guns. 127-millimeter gun is mounted on the bow capable of anti-ship, shore bombardment and even a limited anti-air role. These destroyers are armed with Two 25 mm guns and 4 caliber machine guns. Finally, each ship has two Phalanx close-in weapon systems designed to shoot down incoming missiles, but also capable of firing on helicopters,drones and small boats. This Incredible looking having Star War's appearance the $4.4 Billion destroyer is already out there roaming the world's oceans. the ship is designed to be almost invisible. The destroyer's RCS is not more than a fishing boat despite having a whopping length of 600-feet. The ship is armed with two long-range guns that fire guided artillery shells up to 72 miles away. The destroyer is also equipped with two small guns to protect it from ships or airborne enemies that get too close. The ship will also be equipped with a science fiction style rail gun and laser weapons. These array of advance weaponry and stealth make this ship one of the most lethal destroyers in the world.  

3.F-35 Lightning II 

F-35 Lightning II
F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat,single-engine and all-weather stealth multi role fighters. This fifth generation combat aircraft is designed to perform ground attacks, aerial reconnaissance and air defense missions. The F-35 has three variants including vertical take-off like a helicopter. They are equipped with laser guided missiles and bombs and will secretly blitz enemy bases into dust. The United States plans to buy more than 2500 of these aircraft. 

4.M1 Abrams 

M1 Abrams
M1 Abrams is an American third-generation main battle tank. Highly mobile, designed for modern ground warfare, the M1A1 is considered one of the best protected tanks in the world. Notable features include the use of a powerful multi fuel turbine engine, the adoption of sophisticated composite armor and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. At a whopping weight of 62 tons, it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks in service. Three main versions of the Abrams havebeen deployed since its inception namely, M1, M1A2 and M1A2 - incorporating improved armaments, protection and electronics. These improvements and other upgrades have allowed this long-serving vehicle to remain in front-line for many years. In addition, development for the improved M1A3 version has been known since 2009.

5.Ballistic missile Minuteman III 

Ballistic missile Minuteman III
ballistic missile Minuteman III is the strategic nuclear deterrence has become less prominent since the end of the Cold War. The backbone of America's nuclear deterrence remains the 1960s intercontinental ballistic missile Minuteman III. Over the years, the long-serving missile has been modified and upgraded with better guidance systems and new rocket motors. Though originally designed to be fitted with three multiple independent reentry vehicles, The current version of the missile carries 300-kiloton weapons. The United States plans to continue to upgrade that missile, but eventually will have to develop a new ICBM to replace the Minute man III. 

6.Ohio class guided-missile submarine

Ohio class guided-missile submarines
There are three major types of submarines in the US Navy: ballistic missile, attack and cruise missile submarines. All these subs in the U.S. Navy are nuclear-powered. Ballistic submarine have a single strategic mission of carrying nuclear ballistic missiles. Attack submarines have several tactical missions,including sinking enemies' ships and subs, launching cruise missiles, and gathering intelligence.Ohio class guided-missile submarines are one of the most feared subs in the world. These submarines are equipped with 154 cruise missiles and can carry up to four platoons of Navy SEALs. The Los Angeles, Sea-wolf and Virginia class submarines are capable of performing seek-and-destroy missions, surveillance, reconnaissance, irregular warfare, covert troops insertion, mine and anti-mine operations. In addition, these subs are armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles as well. 

7.B-2 bombers

B-2 bomber

The Air Force tiny fleet of twenty B-2 bombers is the only stealth long-range strike asset in the US arsenal. No other aircraft has the range to take off from the continental United States and strike at targets on the other side of the globe inside highly contested airspace. The B-2 has unrefueled range of around 6000 nautical miles, but that can be extended up to 10,000 with aerial refueling. There is no other warplane in the US Air Force inventory, which is capable to penetrate the kinds of dense air defenses. At a whopping $2 billion price tag, this aircraftis the top most expensive aircraft jets in world.

8.The Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor

Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor

The Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor is arguably the best stealth fighter jet in existence. The F-22 is extremely stealthy and fitted with advanced avionics. Further it can cruise at supersonic speeds greater than Mach 2.25 at altitudes up to 60,000 ft for extended periods. When operating at lower speeds and altitudes,it has the ability to vector thrust from its engines-which gives it tremendous maneuverability. In short, the Raptor's combination of sheer speed, altitude, stealth and powerful sensors make it a lethal killer in the sky. 

9.US aircraft carrier fleet

world's largest aircraft carrier fleet

The U.S. Navy has the world's largest aircraft carrier fleet, with 24 in service, 2 under construction, 2 ordered and 15 planed. Largest and latest of these warships is Ford class super carrier. Ford class can carry an air wing that includes 85 fixed-wing aircraft, naval helicopters and drones. These include F-35, FA-18 Super Hornet, EA-18Growlers and Hawkeye early warning aircraft. Defensive weapons of the Ford class include two launchers with 32 Sea Sparrow Missiles. It has also 21 Rolling Airframe Missiles which are used against anti-ship missiles at close range. Moreover there are four 20 mm Phalanx close-in systems. 

10.US Air force

Us Air Force
The ford class has the largest and most powerful air force than the whole air force of many nations. By operating these aircraft carriers United States will remain unchallenged sea force on earth throughout the 21st century. 

So what do you think that which weapon system is more powerful? Let us know in the comments section.

How Russia hacked American in 2016 and going to do again in 2020

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Thursday 25 June 2020

America's 2016 election

Russia hacked the 2016 elections and is going to do it again. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russian hackers attacked the U.S. on two fronts. First, there was the psychological. Hackers used classic propaganda techniques to influence American voters: to tell them that the political system was rigged and to make America’s diversity seem dangerous. They spread their message by buying ads on popular social media platforms, like Facebook and YouTube. They programmed Twitter bots masquerading as real people. 

Facebook believes that over 125 million Americans may have been exposed to Russian-backed posts during the 2016 campaign. Twitter deactivated nearly 3,000 accounts it suspected of being Russian trolls. Russian propaganda muddied the waters, and Americans had trouble distinguishing real news from fake news, and legitimate social media accounts from Russian bots.In an age of information overload, Americans found it difficult to be critical consumers. Then there was the technical side.

According to American intelligence assessments, Russians broke into Democratic party email servers and gave the information they stole to Wikileaks. American media then reported on these hacks, spreading the information and unwittingly aiding the Russians. Russian hackers also targeted U.S. voting infrastructure in 21 states. Some of this could’ve been easily prevented. If Clinton campaign chair John Podesta knew what a phishing email looked like, he may not have clicked the link that handed over every single one of his emails to the Russians. 

Throughout the campaign, many of us reporters got Google alerts that government-backed hackers were trying to hack our email accounts. We learned to put two-factor authentication on our emails and social media accounts, which were also subject to hacking attempts. These are quick and easy fixes, but less than a third of Americans use them. And not nearly enough Americans use encrypted messaging platforms to communicate with each other. Instead, they rely on apps that are easier to use— and easier to hack. And while individual states are working to secure their voter information and voting systems, the federal government remains paralyzed and divided. 

How Russia hacked American in 2016 and going to do again in 2020

America’s cyber counterintelligence armies sit waiting for a command to go after Russian hackers --a command that many fear will never come. While they might not have swayed a Clintons to vote for Trump, the Russians were successful in their original aims: to troll American democracy and sow seeds of chaos. To make us doubt our very system of government. Russia’s success revealed America’s weakness: its polarized and toxic political climate. The dissent sown by Russian ads and social media bots did far more damage than any of the compromised servers. 

The U.S. will only see more of these attacks. With such a feeble response from the United States to past interference, there is little to deter Russia from further meddling. The U.S. faces an unprecedented challenge in defending itself against this psychological cyber warfare. It’s not that the Russians will be back— they haven’t left. And they will only get better; their methods will grow more sophisticated. The American government and the American people need to get serious about cybersecurity, but it’s more than that. We need to take a hard look at ourselves and our political and social divisions. We don’t have to make the Kremlin’s job any easier.

Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war

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Sunday 7 June 2020

Chronological History of Vietnam war:

Vietnam ,Laos, Cambodia were colony of French (1860-1941),they were called french Indio china. During world war 2 , japan invaded  Vietnam. Japan withdraw it's forces after  Hiroshima and Nagasaki were attacked by USA.
French indo china map
French Indo China map

First indo china war( December 19 ,1946 - July 20,1954):

First Indio China war was fought between french forces and viet Minh led by hô chí Minh. In first Indochina war was 400,000 – 842,707 and 125,000 – 400,000 civilians were  killed. This war end with Geneva Accord.According to it 17th parallel temporarily line was drawn throughout Vietnam, north Vietnam as communist led by hô chí minh(supported by USSR and China) and south Vietnam as pro western led by Ngo Dinh Diem( supported by USA and UK).
North Vietnam forces begin to build a supply route through Laos and Cambodia to South Vietnam in an effort to support guerrilla attacks against Diem’s government in the south. The route becomes known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail and is greatly expanded and enhanced during the Vietnam War.

17th parallel line

American intervention in Vietnam ( second Indochina war)

In August 1964, US made fake news that US naval ship was attacked by north Vietnamese boat in golf of tonkin .from this incidence US officials says that they are at war and under leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson USA deploy five lakh soilder in Vietnam by 1967 . American pilots were sent to attack the north Vietnam oil facilities and torpedo boat installation. In retaliation north Vietnamese forces guerrilla shelled the American airbase near Saigon killing five American and destroying five B-57 bombers. Jonhson ordered on March 2nd 1965 to bombard in north Vietnam code name Operation rolling thunder. 
Gulf of tonkin

In starting of 1966, 2344 American died in Vietnam. Viet Cong was controlling over ¾ of south Vietnam with their supplies and weapons from laos and Cambodia. 12000 miles of twisted jungle roadways Known as Ho Chi Minh trail . To destroy this trail American 3 million of tons of explosives were drop in Laos which is greatest in history. The killing ratio was 1:10, but American didn't support their government.
Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
Bombs used in Laos

Hundred of thousands American troops were deployed in was not just American were fighting with Vietnamese, they were fighting with terrain,they have to make their ways through grass ,thorn bushes bamboos 20 meter tall, thick jungle would take an hour to move hundred feet ,black leeches caused wound that quickly became infected and sunlight rearly reach the jungle, Bobby traps , mines laced the terrain.
Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
Bobby traps
Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
Bobby traps

Timeline of Vietnam war:

  1. 1940: Japanese troops invade French Indochina and occupy Vietnam.
  2. 1941: Ho Chi Minh  communist colleagues  leader establish the League Known as the Viet Minh, the movement aims to resist French and Japanese.
  3. 1945: Japanese troops occupying Indochina announce an end to the colonial era, declaring Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia independent.
  4. 1946: Ho Chi Minh rejects a French proposal granting Vietnam limited self-government and the Viet Minh begins a guerrilla war against the French.
  5. 1950: The United States,  increase military assistance to France for their operations in Vietnam.
  6. 1954: French troops are humiliated in defeat by Viet Minh forces at Dien Bien Phu by guerrilla tactics. The Geneva Accords signed , temporary North and South Vietnam formed with the 17th parallel as the dividing line.
  7. 1961: President John F. Kennedy sends helicopters and 400 Green Berets to South Vietnam and authorizes secret operations against the Viet Cong.
  8. 1962: In Operation Ranch Hand, U.S. aircraft start spraying Agent Orange and other herbicides over rural South Vietnam to kill vegetation that cover and food for guerrilla forces.
    Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
    Agent Orange spread over Vietnam jungle
    Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
     Naphtha spred in jungle to fire 
  9. 1964USS Maddox is allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese patrol torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin (the attack is later disputed), leading President Johnson to call for air strikes on North Vietnamese patrol boat bases.
  10. 1965: 200,000 American combat troops arrive in South Vietnam.
  11. 1966: US troop numbers in Vietnam rise to 400,000, then to 500,000 the following year.
  12. 1969: Ho Chi Minh dies.
  13. 1973: Ceasefire agreement in Paris, US troop pull-out completed by March.
  14. 1975: North Vietnamese troops invade South Vietnam and take control of the whole country after South Vietnamese President Duong Van Minh surrenders.
  15. 1976: Election of National Assembly paves way for reunification of North and South.

US Troop Statistics

Source: Dept. of Defense
8,744,000 -served worldwide during Vietnam war
2,594,000 served in South Vietnam.

US Deaths

Battle: 47,434
Non-Battle: 10,786
Total In-Theatre: 58,220
1.3 million - Total military deaths for all countries involved
1 million - Total civilian deaths.

Vietnam war facts:

  1. Vietnam war last for 19 year and all three countries become communist.
  2. Upto 1954 USA spend $1 billions in Vietnam war which was about 80% of war.
  3. During the war around 1 million catholic migrate towards south Vietnam for temporary peace.
  4. USA fabricated the reason of attack on naval ship in gulf of Tonkin.
  5. USA droped almost 2 million tons of bomb in Laos which is almost equal to 2.1 million tons bomb which were droped in world war 2.
  6. According to population , Laos is the most heavily bomb country.
  7. The deployment in the army in north Vietnam in period of 1961-1964 increase from 850,000 to 1,0000,000.
  8. To avoid US air power, Viet Cong dug hundred of miles of underground tunnels ,which had nicknamed tunnel rats ,it Includes hospital, training camp, storage,barakes.
  9. This tunnels had traps such as hand grenades, anti personal mine, sharp u turns with poision gas .
  10. The first US soldier die in Vietnam war was James Davis in 1961.
  11. Napalm girl photot of Vietnam war win Pulitzer prize. 

Photos of Vietnam war:

Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
My lai massacre

Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
Us troops in Vietnam jungle
Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
After the naphtha were spred Vietnam jungle

Napalm girl 
Vietnam war : Timeline, statistics and facts of war
Tunnel dig Vietnam jungle

Donald Trump announced Left Wing Group ANTIFA as a terrorist organisation: Know What is ANTIFA

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Monday 1 June 2020

Why in news :
 Recently Donal Trump will to announce ANTIFA as terrorist organisation.U.S. Attorney General William Barr, had blamed Antifa and other "agitators" for them "in connection with the rioting" in the protests in U.S. cities.

tweet by Donald Trump

George Floyd ,a African American man died in Minneapolis while being restrainted by the police.Video footage showed an officer kneeling on Floyd's neck.this death become a wave of outrage sweeping politically and racially divided nation.this tweet and death amid violant nationwide protest.the protesters participating in demonstrations across the country are from Antifa. 

What is ANTIFA

It is the group of left wing they were united in their opposition to fascism, and they have an anti-government streak. They said they see creeping authoritarianism in the current American administration that they are looking to build "a movement that really insulates us from the policies of Donald Trump".

History of ANTIFA

the modern American Antifa movement began in the 1980s with a group called Anti-Racist Action. Its members confronted neo-Nazi skinheads at punk gigs in the American Midwest and elsewhere. By the early 2000s the Antifa movement was mostly dormant - until the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right.

Flag of ANTIFA

Antifa supporters will often dress all in black, sometimes covering their faces with masks or helmets so they can’t be identified by opposing groups or the police. They move together as one anonymous group. There are also offshoots - one Antifa group in Oregon said they also have a snack bloc of people who provide food and water for their allies during protests.
 ANTIFA wearing black mask and black dress

Cuban Missile Crisis

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Tuesday 21 April 2020

America and Spain fought a war in 1898. Since the war, Cuba had been under American control. At the onset of the Cold War, America had a proxy in Cuba called Fulgencio Batista, who was gradually growing unpopular. There were a lot of American businesses in Cuba that flourished. Taking advantage of the weakened rule of Batista, Fidel Castro, on 26 July 1953, led an attack on the Moncada army barracks. He was imprisoned for this assault.
                          Moncada barracks

 By the time he was released, Batista's rule dwindled as it faced financial bankruptcy. Thus, there was a vacuum to be filled. Castro undertook this successfully. One thing to be kept in mind was that Cuba, at the time of the power transition, did not witness a civil war. As Castro strengthened his rule, he initiated the program of nationalisation of property owned by the US business houses. Castro gave the logic of sovereignty and nationalism to justify his move. The US retaliated by closing down its markets for import of sugarcane from Cuba. A lot of Cubans were affected due to this. Some even left Cuba for the US to settle in Florida. As the economy of Cuba got badly hit, Castro domestically fuelled nationalism and internationally requested help from Russia. Perceiving this, the then US President Kennedy gave the task of solving Cuban menace to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The CIA drew up a plan of using Cuban exiles in Florida to be airdropped on Cuban beaches (Bay of Pigs). The idea was that exiles would be dropped on the beaches and as per the plan they would intermingle with the Cuban population to create unrest for Castro.
The basic assumption was that CIA thought that Castro did not enjoy popular support of the Cuban neople, The plan was executed. The exiled Cubans were dropped in Bay of Pigs. Within a span of three lars the local Cubans overpowered them. The exiled Cubans requested help from CIA. The US did not help them as they were not prepared for something like this. Observing the matter thus up Nikita Khrushchev decided to defend the small range missiles in Cuba, since this would not only defend Cuba but also ensure his presence in Cuba, which would be at a proximate destination to launch attacks on the US on the East Coast. The CIA got photographic evidence of sites of Russians creating missile-launching sites in Cuba after which the US ordered quarantine and a blockade for incoming Russian ships and began to scan for nukes. Russia, in the meanwhile, backed out. 
              Missile launching sites in Cuba

Diplomatically, a huge nuclear crisis was averted. The Russian aim seems to have been to teach the US how it feels to have missiles near them (recollect the US had stationed Jupiter and Thor in Turkey,Uk and Italy). The issue concluded by the acceptance of the US not to militarily invade Cuba and the subsequent removal of its missiles from Turkey. Both the USSR and US realised how quickly a small issue like Cuba could have escalated conflicts. They took a step towards disarmament namely, the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty.
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