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Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

What is Wahhabism Meaning, History, Teaching, Ideology | Strange Military Stories

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Tuesday 22 September 2020

Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abd Al Wahhab is the founder of Wahabism

Wahhabis actually consider the term pejorative and prefer to call themselves al-Muwahhidun or  al-Tawhid, “Those who uphold the unity of God. By these terms, Wahhabis presume an exclusive claim on Tawhid, The Oneness of God, the fundamental principle of Islam.


What is Wahhabism Meaning, History, Teaching, Ideology | Strange Military Stories

Al Wahab was born in 1703 in Nejd in Central Arabia. At the age of 10, Al Wahab learns the Quran and found a lot of discrepancies in what was mentioned in the Quran and what was being practiced in reality. 

AI Wahab noticed people deviating from the path advocated in Quran by worshipping saints and tombs, which were practices that were completely against the Quran. 

AI Wahab began to preach the ideas of the Quran which went against the existing practices of people. 

In 1724, AI Wahab went to Basra in Iraq and found many followers and sympathizers in Basra, among whom ere several prominent persons. However, he was asked to leave Basra, In 1727, AI Wahab came back to his village Uyayna in Nejd from Basra. In his village, Al Wahab again began to preach his ideas which were not appreciated by the ruler of Nejd who ordered him into exile. Al Wahab reached a small emirate in Arabia by the name Diriya. The king of Diriya was Mohammad Ibn Saud. 


Al Wahab preached in Diriya, he began to increase his followership. This was not appreciated by Ibn Saud who wanted Al Wahab to leave Diriya, but Ibn Saud's wife, being a follower of Al Wahab, convinced Ibn Saud to let him stay in Diriya. Al Wahab's ideology was based on monotheism. In Kitab at-Tawhid book, Al Wahab explains that Muslims should only follow Allah, and those who believe in one God are true Muslims. He said that all others who are Muslim but believe in practice other than Allah and monotheism live in a state of Jahiliya

Al Wahab demanded conformity to one God or Caliph and advocated that the true followers of unity and monotheism, who are the chosen ones, can eliminate non-true Muslims like Sufis and Shias, and so on. When Al Wahab preached these doctrines in Diriya, Ibn Saud saw in these doctrines a grand design to enforce conformity, gain acceptance, and expand his empire in other emirates of Arabia. 

Ibn Saud began his territorial expansion and conquest over other emirates of Arabia on the pretext of the enforcement of Wahabi doctrine and gave birth to a unified Arabia which was now called Saudi Arabia (derived from the name of Muhammad Ibn Saud).

Wahhabi Teachings Incorporate 

  • The concepts of hejira (flight from non-Wahhabi traditions).
  • takfir (ex-communication of other Muslims as infidels).
  • armed jihad as not only permissible but obligatory against unbelievers and non- Wahhabi Muslims, who are stigmatized as mushrikin or idolators.

Wahhabism owes its influence to a personal and political alliance that Ibn al-Wahhab forged with Muhammad ibn Saud, the ruler of Diriyya, in Najd. Ibn Saud pledged his support to Al-Wahhab in waging jihad against all those who deviated from Wahhabi doctrines in return for religious sanction for his military campaigns. Nevertheless, Wahhabism remained a marginal and heterodox tendency within Islam until Abd al-Azziz ibn Saud expelled the Hashemites from the Hejaz, the region containing the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.

Ikhwan and Wahabi Ideology

Ikhwan and Wahabi Ideology
Flag of Ikhwan

After the death of Ibn Saud, his successor Abdal Aziz also used territorial expansion and violence to ensure the spread of Wahabi ideology and this is how, after the unification of Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism emerged as the core ideology of the ruling state and ruling family. Abdal Aziz established an army of people named Ikhwan to spread Wahabi ideology through forced coercion. The members of Ikhwan used to slaughter people who did not conform to the Wahabi ideology. 

The Ikhwan soldiers used to wear black clothes, raise black flags, and wear a black robe to cover their faces. It is this Ikhwan spirit which is visible in the ISIS today. In the period during the Second World War, the US and Saudi Arabia developed an alliance whereby the US would buy Saudi oil in return for money, arms, and ammunition, and Saudi was allowed to export Wahhabism in the Middle East to gain hegemony in the Middle East. Saudi used the money to provide training to West Asians and also provided support to extremists who Would seek conformity. 

The ideological underpinnings of ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda trace their roots to Wahhabism. Post the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA revived the Ikhwan spirit, leading to the formation of the Al Qaeda and Saudi Arabia used it to expand its influence and hegemony, while the US used the ideology and its army to contain the Soviet.

Al-Saud (Mid-eighteenth century) 

Abdulaziz (1902 to 1953) 1932-Saudi Arabia is established
King Saud
King Faisal
King Khalid
King Fahd
King Abdullah
King Salman (Since 2015)

Boko Haram of Nigeria | Meaning , Leaders, History | Strange Military Stories

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Tuesday 15 September 2020


Boko Haram Meaning

Boko haram is a Jihadist group of Sunni terrorists based in northern Nigeria. Boko Haram means Western education is forbidden’. It was formed by Mohammed Yusuf. 

Mohammed Yusuf hated the West and was very critical of the government, which he saw as corrupt and un-Islamic. He set up a religious complex, including a mosque and an Islamic school in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state. 

Mohammed Yusuf was a charismatic speaker whose followers were a mixed bag, not only some of society's poorest but also upper class and university students, who invited him to speak on campus.

FounderMohammed Yusuf(2002)
Abubakar Shekau
Abu Musab al-Barnawi
LogoBoko Haram of Nigeria | Meaning , Leaders, History | Strange Military Stories

MeaningWestern education is forbidden


On the 18th of May a young woman who had been kidnapped with 275 others, from Chibok school in Borno state in Nigeria, was found. They had been taken by Boko Haram, an Islamic group two years previously. of the 276 taken it is believed that 218 remain the group's captives. On the 20th of May, the Nigerian army rescued 97 women and children who had been abducted by the group, it was initially thought that one of the group was a girl who had been kidnapped from Chibok school. It later emerged that the girl had attended Chibok school, but had been abducted in a separate incident and was not part of the 276. When they were taken, on the 14th of April 2014, the story was reported globally and remained in the news for some time.

Now that the latest Chibok schoolgirl had been freed the media attention has returned – but more important than that, her liberation may be a sign that Boko Haram is critically weak. Boko Haram’s official name was Jamā'atuAhli is-Sunnah lid-Da'wati wal-Jihād meaning "People Committed to the Prophet's Teachings for Propagation and Jihad”, until around the 7th of March 2015 when they declared their allegiance to ISIS or Islamic State and changed their name to Wilāyat Gharb Ifrīqīyyahor Islamic State West Africa Province. 

The group was also sometimes referred to as Yusifiyya, after its founder, Mohammed Yusuf, until his death in July 2009. Here I’ll refer to the group like Boko Haram, the translation of which is usually given as "Western education is forbidden” or border variations of that phrase, such as “Western influence is sin”.

Boko Haram History

The group was founded in 2002 in Maiduguri, the capital of the northeastern state of Borno, as a strict Sunni sect. following Wahhabist ideas - a movement with a fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic teachings, emanating from Saudi Arabia, that influenced Osama Bin Laden, and is similar to, in ways that are often debated, Salafism, which appears to largely be the movement ISIS affiliate themselves with. Yusuf and his followers established themselves Kanamma, a town in the north-eastern state of Yobe, and although they set up a mosque in Maiduguri, it seems the group largely withdrew from much of society, and although over the years they became both radicalized and militarized, initially their activities appear to have been peaceful.

They initially established small camps and schools in the remoter regions of Borno and Yobe. However what arguably made them stand out from other radical groups was their reaction to the police, which Boko Haram actively worked against from 2004. There is also speculation that in the mid-2000s the group may have been partially funded by politicians and people within the Nigerian government with the objective of intimidating and disrupting opponents and rivals. Dr. Stephen Davis, a former canon at Coventry Cathedral who has spent several years negotiating with Boko Haram, has named several officials who he accuses of directly funding the group in the past, although his allegations have never been proven. What is clear is that Boko Haram succeeded in attracting many, especially young people, in the poorer North, and this often is attributed to disaffection with a state plagued by problems with corruption and inter-religion violence, with bloody riots the norm: on the 4th of May 2004 an estimated 600 people, mainly Muslim Fulanis were killed by Christian Taroks in the town of Yelwa.

A week or so later in the town of Kano, 500-600, mostly Christians, were killed in two days of violence, Christian community leaders say. At least 157 people died in a week of rioting by Muslim and Christian groups in Maiduguri, in February 2006. At least 700 people in Jos were killed in violence between Muslims and Christian caused by a disputed local government election in November 2008. Boko Haram became increasingly radical and isolated from the mainstream Muslim community, and it is reported that more than 50 Muslim leaders repeatedly called on the Nigerian police and state security urging them to take action against Boko Haram because of their increasing militarisation. Sometimes at the end of July 2009 members of Boko Haram were stopped by police in the city of Maiduguri as they were on the way to a cemetery to bury one of their numbers. The police demanded that group members follow a new law which made helmets compulsory for motorbike riders, and a confrontation followed in which several of the group were shot.

On the 26th of July, the group attacked a police station in Bauchi, and a gun battle ensued, resulting in 32 of Boko Haram’s number killed and a Nigerian soldier killed – security forces then began to raid neighborhoods associated with the group, although the President at the time, Umaru Yar’Adua, claimed it was the Nigerian military who struck first. Whoever was the first to act, around a thousand people died during what is now called the Boko Haram uprising, and on the 30th of JulyYusuf was killed in custody. The police justified his death by saying he was attempting to escape, but witnesses have since stated that he was executed. Yusuf’s death is perhaps the formative moment for Boko Haram as they are known today. Yusuf was succeeded by his second-in-command, Abubaker Shekau, who arguably took the group in a more extreme direction and was perhaps able to use Yusuf’s apparent murder to galvanize support. Boko Haram spent much of 2010 recovering, but in September they broke 105 of their members out of prison in Bauchi along with over 600others prisoners and began a campaign of insurgency across the north of Nigeria, carrying out assaults and bombings.

In July 2009, Boko Haram staged a failed uprising against the Nigerian government. Eight hundred people were killed, and many of their members arrested. Authorities thought they’d successfully crushed the group when Mohammed Yusuf was killed in police custody. But that July uprising marked the beginning of a ten-year-long battle that continues to this day. Just a year after the uprising, one of Yusuf’s lieutenants, Abubakar Shekau, announced he was now the new leader of Boko Haram. The re-emergence of Boko Haram under Shekau’sleadership marked one of the first times when authorities claimed to have defeated BokoHaram, only for the group to resurface. It’s a pattern that would be repeated time and again over the next decade. 

In August 2011, Boko Haram made international headlines when it sent a car bomb into the United Nations compound in Abuja. Twenty-three people were killed, and more than seventy-five injured. The next few years would be some of the group’s deadliest. Between 2013 and 2015, Boko Haram killed more than eleven thousand people. It was impossible to count the number of dead bodies, there were so many. Women, men, and children were killed. During that period, the group seized more and more territory - and by 2015 was in control of much of Nigeria’s Borno state. It also spread its attacks beyond Nigeria’sborders, to neighboring Niger, Chad, and Cameroon. As people fled the terror, the UN estimates that over 2.2 million people were displaced. But Boko Haram’s most notorious attacks came when they targeted schoolgirls. 

One night in April 2014, students of the Girls’Secondary School of the northern town of Chibok were sleeping in their dormitories. But armed members of Boko Haram stormed the boarding school. They bundled 276 terrified schoolgirls together and took them away. The abduction led to global outrage. Prominent global figures asked for more to be done to free the girls. But although a number of them have been released in the last five years, more than a hundred of the students are still missing. The Chibok incident showed Boko Haram that kidnappings could bring them publicity. Four years after Chibok, they abducted 110 schoolgirls from the town of Dapchi. Most were released a month later. But one of them, a Christian student called Leah Sharibu remains in captivity. Her peers say she refused to give up her faith. Since 2013, more than a thousand children have been abducted by the terror group. The Nigerian military has been criticized for their failure to free those kidnapped by Boko Haram. Low morale and corruption have left the army floundering. But Boko Haram’s shifting strategy, including the use of female suicide bombers, has made them hard to pin down. In recent years Boko Haram has fractured and split, forging new alliances, and developing new tactics. 

In 2015 Boko Haram lost its self-proclaimed capital, Gwoza, to Nigerian troops. Over time, the government has taken back territory, forcing the group towards the hilly area east of Gwoza, as well as Lake Chad and the SambisaForest. Whilst losing territory, Abubakar Shekau looked for new international allies. He pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State. But IS had other ideas. A year later, it announced that the new leader of what was now known as the Islamic State West Africa Province was Abu Musab al-Barnarwi. Remember this guy? Mohammed Yusuf, the founder of Boko Haram? Well, Al Barnawi is believed to be his son. Although he keeps a low profile - there are no verified images of him. So Boko Haram was now split. Abubakar Shekau remained in control of another faction, now known as Jama’tu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad. Or JAS to you and me.

The Islamic State West Africa Province, also known as ISWAP, has developed new tactics - focusing on winning the hearts and minds of the communities in the territory it controls. ISWAP's tactic now is actually, is a combination of, not just warfare, but it's also a combination of a state-building project, so ISWAP is actually engaging in that state-building project, having their own judicial system where they establish court judgments. Also monitoring economic activities, especially fish farming, cattle rearing, and farming activity in the region. Now all of these activities were not the activities we saw from Boko Haram at the early and the nascent stage. As IS’s caliphate is lost in the MiddleEast, ISWAP is attempting to establish one in West Africa. If it is successful, this insurgency could be around in another decade.

On June the 16th 2011 the group was responsible for Nigeria’s first suicide bombing, which targeted a United Nations Compound in Abuja. Along with gorilla style assaults and bombings, the group has since 2014 increasingly used women and children who they have captured detonate suicide bombs, with at least 105 used in suicide attacks since June 2014. On the night of the 14th of April 2014, Boko Haram militants kidnapped 279 female students from Chibok secondary school, 218 of which are still thought to be held captive. The Sunday Times reports an unnamed Nigerian military commander saying that the international attention given to the girls taken from Chibok means they may now be worth more to the group’s leadership than other captives and quotes him as saying “We think they are keeping them with their main leadership. The day we get to the Chibok girls will spell the end of Boko Haram, but I fear they will kill all the girls in mass suicide bombings in the process.” In the same year, Boko Haram abducted a total of around 2000 women and girls and killed around 10 000 people. During 2014, they gained large amounts of territory in and around the state of Borno, estimated to be around 50,000 square kilometers (20,000 sq mi).

At the end of January 2015, a coalition of WestAfrican nations began a major military offensive against Boko Haram. Mohammed Musa Mshelia: We've mounted on the heat against Boko Haram. Before the arrival of these weapons, it was a defensive operation, but now we are on the offensive. On or around the 7th of March, the group announced its affiliation with ISIS. But such affiliation may have little practical meaning. Physical support would probably be too difficult to worth attempting, and perhaps the pledge of allegiance is important in that it shows a shift across many different regions, where groups that once identified with Al-Qaeda are now identifying with ISIS. Interviewer: Can you really see Boko Haram and ISIS working together or is this just a partnership in a name? Chris Dickey: Well it's an extension of the ISIS franchise, I mean this is part of the ISIS strategy; to draw in groups from all over the world. I think now 31 groups of various sizes from the Philippines to North Africa to now Boko Haram in Nigeria have pledged allegiance to the Caliph Ibrahim - Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS. So all of that is good publicity, but co-ordinating those groups - that's another question.

On March 27th the Nigerian Army took Gowzafrom Boko Haram, a town believed to have been used by the group as their headquarters. At the end of April 2015, the army began pushing into Sambisa forest, considered by many to be Boko Haram’s last stronghold. During this time the army began to free hundreds of women and children who had been abducted, but their progress slowed, and later in the year, Boko Haram retook towns including Marte. On the 24th December 2015, the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, claimed that Boko Haram was "technically defeated." Despite that US General David Rodriguez, Commander of United States Africa Command said on the 8th of March that Boko Haram still holds significant territory and Boko Haram has continued its actions and engaged the Nigerian army in small battles, notably at Kareto on the 18th of April 2016.

On the 14th of May Cameroon's government announced that five Boko Haram leaders had been arrested, apparently fleeing Nigeria. Many militants have been captured, and their ability to fight pitched battles appears to have been diminished, yet Boko Haram still controls an inexact but no doubt a significant amount of ground. The danger, as their conventional military abilities dwindle, is that they will up the ante in terms of suicide bombings and attacks on civilians. Although much of the world seems to anxiously await news of the Chibok girls, it is worth noting that the BBC reports that the Nigerian Army freed 11 and half thousand captives of Boko Haram between February and April this year. On the 21st of May, The Times reported that senior Boko Haram militants claim that they are prepared to negotiate a surrender and release their hostages. An unknown number remain their captives. Perhaps it's only a matter of time until the organization is defeated. So, until next time, goodbye, and try to remain calm. 

Boko Haram movie

Watch Stolen Daughters: Kidnapped By Boko Haram movie on 276 Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped from a school in Chibok,

Dealing With the Taliban: India’s Strategy in Afghanistan | Strange Military Stories

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Tuesday 11 August 2020

Dealing With the Taliban: India’s Strategy in Afghanistan

India was supportive of the Northern Alliance to counter the weight of Taliban in Afghanistan, and its engagement has broadened post 9/11 attacks in the US, and the consequent ousting of the Taliban by Operation Enduring Freedom of the US. India's diplomatic energy in Afghanistan is invested primarily in enhancing its own interests in Afghanistan.
India's first and most important interest in Afghanistan is to ensure that Pakistan does not gain an edge within governing structures of Afghanistan. India feels that if Pakistan succeeds in installing

Taliban or a Taliban-sponsored regime in Afghanistan, it will be detrimental to the cause of the regional security of India. On the other hand, Pakistan feels that India should not be allowed to get a hold on Afghanistan and perceives any growing Indo-Afghan proximity as an attempt by India to counter Pakistan by maintaining its presence in Afghanistan. Each has tried neutralising the other's influence in governance and management of Afghanistan, leading to a classic security dilemma where any measure by one elicits a counter response from other. Pakistani military has long supported Talibani elements and helped them flourish near the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan and continues to believe that the presence of the Taliban in Afghanistan would be the most effective way to undercut Indian influence in Afghanistan. 

Pakistan continues to maintain strategic depth in Afghanistan and certainly favours less Indian proximity to Afghanistan. As Karzai rose to power in Afghanistan in the post 2001 period, India decided to deepen its engagement with Afghanistan by opening consulates in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar and Jalalabad. Pakistan alleges that India uses these consulates to contain Pakistan as these consulates give Indian agencies an access to gather intelligence from across the border. Pakistan also alleges that India provides assistance to Balochistani rebels through these consulates. Pakistan has also tried to limit India from undertaking commerce with Afghanistan by refusing to allow transit rights over Pakistan to reach Afghanistan. India has used the alternative route of Iran to reach Afghanistan. As Indian developmental activities continue in Afghanistan, India has realised the need to protect its Border Road Organisation personnel by using the Indo-Tibetan Border Police that is stationed in Afghanistan.

Pakistan continues to maintain strategic depth in Afghanistan and certainly favours less Indian proximity to Afghanistan. As Karzai rose to power in Afghanistan in the post 2001 period, India decided to deepen its engagement with Afghanistan by opening consulates in Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar and Jalalabad. Pakistan alleges that India uses these consulates to contain Pakistan as these consulates give Indian agencies an access to gather intelligence from across the border, Pakistan also alleges that India provides assistance to Balochistani rebels through these consulates, Pakistan has also tried to limit India from undertaking commerce with Afghanistan by refusing to allow transit rights over Pakistan to reach Afghanistan.

India has used the alternative route of Iran to reach Afghanistan. As Indian developmental activities continue in Afghanistan, India has realised the need to protect its Border Road Organisation personnel by using the Indo-Tibetan Border Police that is stationed in Afghanistan. Despite all tactics adopted by Pakistan to keep India out of Afghanistan, India continues to deepen its ties with the region by engaging with Afghanistan. Apart from ensuring that the region does not fall into the orbit of Pakistan giving it leverage against India, another crucial policy determinant of India in Afghanistan is to ensure zero spillover of extremists to India.

India has been a victim of state-sponsored terrorism from Pakistan and engages with Afghanistan to ensure no spillover of extremism or Islamic radicalism happens in India. If Pakistan succeeds in helping the Taliban establish a footing in Afghanistan, this would enable Pakistan to train extremists and militants in the uncontrolled Taliban region and use them against India and more specifically, against Kashmir. In fact, at present, the extremists fighting in Kashmir owe their patronage mostly to Pakistan's ISI and have drawn inspiration from the resistance offered by Afghan mujahideen against the Soviets during the Cold War. 

India was under the impression that after 9/11, the US would put pressure on Pakistan to dismantle the jihadi networks that operate from Pakistan, considering that India to had even continues to use jihad as a part of its grand strategy as it gives them the power to influence the region. been a victim of terrorism emanating from Pakistani soil. However, a reluctant approach by Islamabad camp down on the jihadi cells in their territory has given the jihadis the needed space for growth. Pakistan jivan continue to use jihad as a part of its grand strategy as it gives them the power to influence the region.

Somalia piracy facts , map and statistics | Strange Military Stories

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Sunday 9 August 2020

Somalia piracy

Somalia Piracy occurs in the Gulf of Aden, Somali Sea and territorial waters.In the early modern times, the territory of Somaliland was occupied by three colonial players. One part was occupied by British, the second by Italy and the third by the French. The part occupied by the French became a new state called Djibouti. The rest of Somaliland gained independence in 1960. In 1960, there was a coup by Siad Barre wherein took over the control of the state. Opposition rebels began to fight against Siad Barre. 

Two prominent opposition groups emerged, namely, the Somalia National Movement (SNM) and the United Somalia Congress (USC). The two parties, SNM and USC, started controlling the northern and southern territories and succeeded in ousting Siad Barre in 1991. Despite the ousting of Barre, no united government emerged as factionalism grew to the extent where tribal warlords began to assert control over their clans, creating a situation of complete anarchy. The tribal clans turned to piracy to sustain themselves. Absence of a stable centralised government since 1991 has aggravated stability issues making Somalia politically fragile.

Somalia piracy facts , map and statistics
Somalia piracy ship

Due to rise in piracy, the cost of transporting goods has increased. The ships have started circumventing the area in favour of a longer route in deep sea to avoid piracy. Shipping firms have increased security on board of ships. The insurance firms have hiked the premiums. All this have led to an increase in the cost of trade. Nations have resorted to resolutions at the UN level. These UN level resolutions have legalised naval presence in Somali water. Countries have stationed their navies to protect the sea lines of communication. 

India has also likewise increased its naval presence in the Horn of Africa. India has urged the UN to track the ransom money being paid by help of international agencies like Interpol. India has been advocating that all joint anti-piracy operations (JAPO) be brought under the UN ambit and domestically all nations create laws to criminalise piracy. Indian Navy has been protecting sea lines of communication since 2008.

 The Indian coast guard has established new district head offices in Kavaratti and in Minicoy. Through naval presence in Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives, India has been able to keep the pirates in check. India has also clarified in an annual report released by the Ministry of Defence that the Indian Ocean region is central to Indian interests and piracy in the region is a cause of serious concern to combat, which the Indian Navy is ready to play a critical role in the region.

The long-term solution lies in international collaboration to criminalise ransom payment and under take adequate social engineering to create a unified society in Somalia. A stable government, skills to population and creation of jobs in the fishing industry can help in a big way in future.

Somalia Piracy map

Somalia Piracy map
Somalia Piracy map

Somalia Piracy Statistics

Somalia Piracy Statistics
Somalia Piracy Statistics

Somali Piracy attacks are calm from 2012.

For IMB Piracy & Armed Robbery Map 2020 Visit their official site 

Donald Trump announced Left Wing Group ANTIFA as a terrorist organisation: Know What is ANTIFA

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Monday 1 June 2020

Why in news :
 Recently Donal Trump will to announce ANTIFA as terrorist organisation.U.S. Attorney General William Barr, had blamed Antifa and other "agitators" for them "in connection with the rioting" in the protests in U.S. cities.

tweet by Donald Trump

George Floyd ,a African American man died in Minneapolis while being restrainted by the police.Video footage showed an officer kneeling on Floyd's neck.this death become a wave of outrage sweeping politically and racially divided nation.this tweet and death amid violant nationwide protest.the protesters participating in demonstrations across the country are from Antifa. 

What is ANTIFA

It is the group of left wing they were united in their opposition to fascism, and they have an anti-government streak. They said they see creeping authoritarianism in the current American administration that they are looking to build "a movement that really insulates us from the policies of Donald Trump".

History of ANTIFA

the modern American Antifa movement began in the 1980s with a group called Anti-Racist Action. Its members confronted neo-Nazi skinheads at punk gigs in the American Midwest and elsewhere. By the early 2000s the Antifa movement was mostly dormant - until the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right.

Flag of ANTIFA

Antifa supporters will often dress all in black, sometimes covering their faces with masks or helmets so they can’t be identified by opposing groups or the police. They move together as one anonymous group. There are also offshoots - one Antifa group in Oregon said they also have a snack bloc of people who provide food and water for their allies during protests.
 ANTIFA wearing black mask and black dress
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