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Muslim Brotherhood Origin, Core Ideology, Leaders | Strange Military Stories

Tuesday 22 September 2020

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The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) emerged in Egypt as a resistance movement against foreign presence. 

After Napoleon's invasion of Egypt, the territory subsequently fell into the hands of Western powers, As the Western powers began to increase their influence in Egypt, it saw the erosion of Islamic values in the society. 

It is in this backdrop that Hasan al Bana emerged on the scene and established the Muslim Brotherhood. Hasan al Bana began to follow a grassroots mechanism to promote Islamic values. He began to focus on issues like health, education, and other humanitarian issues. 

His aim was to establish a direct touch with the people of Egypt. He used this grassroots platform to popularise his version of Islam and preached the need for Sharia and a Caliphate as guiding forces in society.

The core ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

  • Advocates for a political approach.
  • The focus is to go for the "Islamic Way Sharia to be followed.
  • Advocates Caliphate.
  • Allah is their objective.
  • Quran is their law.
  • The prophet is their leader.
  • Jihad is their way (holy war).
  • Death for Allah is the highest aspiration.

Core Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood

  • Hasan al Banna (founder) -----Promotion of anti-westernization
  • Sayyed Qutb (Successor)-------Promotion of radicalisation

As the Muslim Brotherhood has established a strong mass base in Egypt, it emerged powerfully on the political scene of Egypt after the Arab Spring in 2011. The Muslim Brotherhood accepts Islam with modern components and is, therefore, more pragmatic and accommodating than both Salafism and Wahhabism. 

Saudi Arabia does not support the MB as it advocates the establishment of a Caliphate which endangers Saudi Monarchy and their dynastic rule. Thus, Saudi Arabia prefers to support the Egyptian military over the Muslim Brotherhood.

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