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Showing posts with label strategic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strategic. Show all posts

Naval Investiture Ceremony at New Delhi – 2020

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Thursday 15 October 2020

New Delhi. Naval Investiture Ceremony to felicitate naval personnel who have demonstrated leadership, professional achievements and distinguished service of high order was conducted at INS India, New Delhi on October 14. Admiral Karambir Singh, Chief of the Naval Staff, conferred the Distinguished Service Awards announced on the Republic Day this year to the recipients. Eight medals which included one Yudh Seva Medal, one Nao Sena Medal (Devotion to Duty) and six Vishisht Seva Medal (long meritorious service) were awarded.

Group Photo - Naval Investiture Ceremony at New Delhi 2020

The event is traditionally conducted as a ceremonial parade centrally for all awardees of the Indian Navy. However, in view of the prevailing pandemic, the Naval Investiture Ceremony is being conducted locally by each Command of the Navy. The award ceremony was witnessed by a limited number of senior dignitaries of the Indian Navy and the spouses of the awardees. All social distancing norms and COVID 19 protocol were adhered to during the ceremony. Though simple, the event was conducted in a manner to make it memorable to the awardees.

Joint Press Release of the 7th Round of India-China Military Commander-Level Meeting

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Indian-China Flag-1New Delhi. On October 12, the 7th round of Senior Commanders meeting of India and China was held in Chushul. The two sides had a sincere, in-depth and constructive exchange of views on disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in the Western Sector of India-China border areas. They were of the view that these discussions were positive, constructive and had enhanced understanding of each other’s positions.

Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and communication through military and diplomatic channels, and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution for disengagement as early as possible. Both sides agreed to earnestly implement the important understandings reached by the leaders of the two countries, not to turn differences into disputes, and jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the border areas.

Airbus to bring first Mars samples to Earth: ESA contract award

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Wednesday 14 October 2020

Toulouse. Airbus has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) as prime contractor for the Mars Sample Return’s Earth Return Orbiter (ERO) – the first ever spacecraft to bring samples back to Earth from Mars. Mars Sample Return (MSR) is a joint ESA-NASA campaign and the next step in the exploration of Mars. ERO and the Sample Fetch Rover (SFR) are the two main European elements of MSR, both are set to be designed and built by Airbus. A manipulating arm, referred to as the Sample Transfer Arm (STA), that will transfer the samples from the SFR to the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV), is the third European contribution to the MSR program. The value of the ERO contract is € 491 million.

Airbus to bring first Mars samples-1

The five year mission will see the spacecraft head to Mars, act as a communication relay with the surface missions, perform a rendezvous with the orbiting samples and bring them safely back to Earth. Prior to launch from the Mars surface onboard the MAV, the Martian samples will be stored in sample tubes and collected by the SFR, for which Airbus has already commenced the study phase.

For ERO, Airbus will use its autonomous rendezvous and docking expertise built up over decades of experience in optical navigation, using technologies from the successful ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) and recent developments from JUICE, Europe’s first mission to Jupiter.

“We’re bringing the full force of our experience gained on Rosetta, Mars Express, Venus Express, Gaia, ATV, BepiColombo, and JUICE to ensure this mission succeeds. Bringing samples back to Earth from Mars will be an extraordinary feat, taking interplanetary science to a new level and Airbus is excited to take on this challenge as part of this joint international mission.” said Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of Airbus Space Systems.

To be launched on an Ariane 6 in 2026, the 6 ton, 6 m high spacecraft, equipped with 144m² solar arrays with a span of over 40 m – some of the biggest ever built – will take about a year to reach Mars. It will use a mass-efficient hybrid propulsion system combining electric propulsion for the cruise and spiral down phases and chemical propulsion for Mars orbit insertion. Upon arrival, it will provide communications coverage for the NASA Perseverance Rover and Sample Retrieval Lander (SRL) missions, two essential parts of the MSR Campaign.

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For the second part of its mission, ERO will have to detect, rendezvous with, and capture a basketball-size object called the Orbiting Sample (OS), which houses the sample tubes collected by SFR; all this over 50 million km away from ground control. Once captured, the OS will be bio-sealed in a secondary containment system and placed inside the Earth Entry Vehicle (EEV), effectively a third containment system, to ensure that the precious samples reach the Earth’s surface intact for maximum scientific return. It will then take another year for ERO to make its way back to Earth, where it will send the EEV on a precision trajectory towards a pre-defined landing site, before itself entering into a stable orbit around the Sun.

After landing, the samples will be transferred to a specialised handling facility where they will be quarantined. Once the sample tubes are opened, initial measurements will be taken to generate a detailed catalogue, enabling specific parts of the samples to then be targeted for specialist science investigations.

Airbus will have overall responsibility for the ERO mission, developing the spacecraft in Toulouse, and conducting mission analysis in Stevenage. Thales Alenia Space Turin will also have an important role, assembling the spacecraft, developing the communication system and providing the Orbit Insertion Module. The mission enabling RIT-2X ion engines will be provided by ArianeGroup.

About Mars Sample Return
Mars Sample Return is a set of three separately launched missions, which will together achieve the objective of returning Mars samples to Earth before the end of 2031.

The NASA-led Mars 2020 rover, known as Perseverance, was launched in July 2020 to land on Mars in February 2021. Perseverance will acquire Mars samples, cache them into sample tubes, and leave the tubes in one or more depots for later collection by the SRL mission and its European Sample Fetch Rover.

The NASA-led SRL is to be launched in 2026 and comprises a surface platform with a European robotic Sample Transfer Arm (STA), the Sample Fetch Rover (SFR), and a Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). The surface platform will land in the near vicinity of the sample tube depot in the Jezero crater. SFR will navigate, locate and collect the sample tubes, and return to the lander platform. The STA will transfer the sample tubes into the Orbiting Sample (OS) then load the OS aboard the MAV. The MAV will launch the OS into Mars orbit, where ERO will be waiting to rendezvous and capture it.

The ESA-led Earth Return Orbiter (ERO) is also to be launched in 2026 and will have onboard the NASA-led Capture, Containment and Return System (CCRS), which will handle and bio-seal the OS as well as provide the Earth Entry Vehicle (EEV). ERO will arrive in Mars orbit on time to provide communications coverage for the SRL entry, descent and landing, surface operations, and the MAV launch placing the OS into Mars orbit. ERO will have to detect, rendezvous with, and capture the OS. The OS will then be bio-sealed and transferred to the EEV before ERO heads back to Earth.

Upon approach to Earth, ERO will release the Earth Entry System on an Earth entry trajectory. After landing in the desert of Utah, the samples are transferred to a sample receiving and curation facility.

Boeing Receives $477 Million Performance Based Logistics Contract from Defense Logistics Agency

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Tuesday 13 October 2020

MIAMI. Boeing received a Performance Based Logistics (PBL) contract award valued at $477 million from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) for supplies, full supply chain management and logistics services to ensure long-term, affordable sustainment of multiple weapon systems platforms. Work will be performed under a fixed-price, master services agreement.

boeing building (social)Under the contract, Boeing will support individual contracts based on operational performance requirements. The first phase includes the delivery and supply chain management of Honeywell proprietary parts licensed exclusively to Boeing and is valued at $39 million.

“Boeing’s supply chain management and distribution capabilities will help ensure parts are accessible whenever and wherever they are needed based on their use, while reducing inventory and logistics lifecycle costs,” said John Guasto, Director of Global Integrated Services Support for Boeing.

Boeing will be responsible for forecasting, demand planning, acquiring, stocking, packaging and shipping the individually priced consumables directly to warfighter locations to satisfy daily demand requirements. The work will be completed over a five-year period with an additional five-year option.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries, leveraging the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

BDL pays final dividend to government for 2019-20

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New Delhi. State-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), a Hyderabad-based Defence Public Sector Undertaking that manufactures missiles and a range of high-tech equipment for the armed forces, has paid final dividend of Rs. 35.018 crore (over $476,000) to the Indian government for 2019-20.

Indian-developed Akash Launcher System (ALS) at the international DefExpo 2008 defence fair, in New Delhi on February 16, 2008. India kicked off South Asia's largest defence fair, with hundreds of global weapons firms offering their latest hardware to the country's technology-hungry military. About 450 weapons companies from 30 countries are present at the four-day 'DefExpo' in New Delhi, with several big-ticket announcements expected.
The Akash missile system that is part of a range of equipment manufactured by BDL

Commodore Siddharth Mishra (retd), Chairman and Managing Director, BDL presented cheque for Rs. 35.018 crore, being the final dividend pertaining to the government’s shareholding to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi on October 13.

BDL has declared final dividend of Rs. 2.55 (0.03 cents) per share of Rs. 10 (0.13 cents) each for the financial year 2019-20. The final dividend declared by the Company works out to 25.5 per cent of the paid up share capital of Rs. 183.28 crore ($24 million).

Earlier, during March this year, an interim dividend of Rs. 6.25 (0.08 cents) per share amounting to Rs. 100.518 crore ($13 million) was paid by BDL for the financial year 2019-20 towards government’s shareholding in.

Raj Kumar, Secretary, Department of Defence Production (DDP) and Chandraker Bharti, Joint Secretary (Aero) from Ministry of Defence were present on the occasion.

PHASA-35 successfully completes critical endurance trials with sensor payload

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Further to initial flight trials, PHASA-35®, a 35 metre wingspan solar-electric aircraft, has successfully completed critical endurance trials which saw the aircraft operate for 72 hours in a simulated environment that models the harsh stratospheric conditions in which the aircraft is designed to operate.


The trials, a collaborative effort by BAE Systems, Prismatic and the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), further advances the aircraft’s operational capability.

Known as critical ‘soak’ tests, the trials demonstrated the aircraft working effectively as a fully integrated system together with Dstl’s communications sensor payload; a radio frequency sensing software defined radio that provides a real-time and secure data link.

The trials further validated that the aircraft’s systems are capable of enduring the harsh temperature and pressure extremes experienced in the stratospheric environment.

Exploiting BAE Systems’ capabilities in digital testing and flight systems has enabled the testing to be completed through a series of highly representative ground-based tests, driving pace and reducing costs in the development phase of the programme.

The tests, which were undertaken in a dedicated 40m hangar at Prismatic’s facility near Farnborough, also enabled the team to practice the various operations needed in flight, including the transition from daytime, when the aircraft is powered by the solar array, to night-time, when the aircraft’s batteries are discharged.

PHASA-35 infographicS

Paul Mather, Principal Payload Adviser, Dstl, said: “BAE Systems and Prismatic have put the integration and operation of the user payload at the heart of the PHASA-35 design and it has been very satisfying to work with the team in so clearly showing the benefits of this approach. Dstl has a proud tradition of rapid proving of new technologies which provide military and security advantage, which this latest success reinforces.”

Ian Muldowney, Chief Operating Officer, BAE Systems Air, added: “PHASA-35 is a great example of how we’ve brought together the best in British expertise and partnered to drive technological innovation and deliver critical capability. This latest success, only eight months after PHASA-35’s maiden flight, further demonstrates how UK industry and our partners are accelerating pace to deliver the UK’s vision for innovation, a Future Combat Air System and information advantage.”

Paul Brooks, Managing Director, Prismatic, said: “I am extremely proud of the efforts the team have put into making these trials a success and to do this despite the challenges that a global pandemic has brought to us all. By taking the best from the large company experience that BAE Systems offers, together with the agility of a small, innovative company such as Prismatic, we’ve been able to drive the programme forward with continued pace, culminating in the seamless integration of this first payload. This is an important milestone in bringing PHASA-35 closer to market, working alongside DSTL in the process.”

Further flight trials are due to take place in the coming months and this latest milestone is another step forward for the aircraft which could enter initial operations with customers within 12 months of completion of its flight trials programme.

The PHASA-35 high altitude, long endurance, unmanned aerial vehicle (HALE UAV), successfully completed its first flight in February, less than two years from initial design. The UAV has the potential to maintain flight for up to a year at a time, in the stratosphere, providing military and commercial customers with capabilities not currently available from existing air and space programmes. PHASA-35 has a wide range of potential applications such as the delivery of communications networks, including 5G, as well as support to disaster relief and border protection. Its payload capacity can be adapted to meet the needs of the user to carry sensors such as cameras, thermal imaging and communications equipment.

The aircraft’s long-life battery and highly efficient solar technology allow PHASA-35 to potentially maintain flight for up to a year operating in the stratosphere, the upper regions of the Earth’s atmosphere, and will plug the gap between aircraft and satellite technology.

7th meeting of India-China military commander’s held in Ladakh

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New Delhi. Military commanders of India and China have held their seventh meeting in Chushul for a “sincere” exchange of views on disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh where tension has been festering for the last months following the incursion of Chinese troops in the area and have agreed to maintain their dialogue to take the process forward, a joint press release issued on October 13 said.

Indian-China Flag-1“On 12 October, the 7th round of Senior Commanders meeting of India and China was held in Chushul. The two sides had a sincere, in-depth and constructive exchange of views on disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in the Western Sector of India-China border areas,” the joint press release issued by the two sides said.

The commanders “were of the view that these discussions were positive, constructive and had enhanced understanding of each other’s positions. Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and communication through military and diplomatic channels, and arrive at a mutually acceptable solution for disengagement as early as possible”.

“Both sides agreed to earnestly implement the important understandings reached by the leaders of the two countries, not to turn differences into disputes, and jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the border areas, the press release said.
Tension has been simmering since April 27 when a Chinese military vehicle intruded into the Indian sector near rivulet close to the ‘Finger Five’ area along the northern bank of Lake Pangong So in Ladakh. That led to a violent clash on June 15 in which 20 Indian soldiers, including their commanding officer, were brutally murdered. There were also an unspecified number of casualties on the Chinese side.

Since then, the Indian ministers for External Affairs and Defence have engaged with their Chinese counterparts in Moscow on the sidelines of a regional security summit while disengagement talks have also been held between the ground commanders in Ladakh but these have so far been inconclusive.

Exercise Suraksha Kavach: joint anti-terror drill by army, police in Pune

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Mumbai. Terming it a “great learning experience for both”, the army and the police have conducted an anti-terror exercise in an urban setting in Pune city to harmonize their procedures for activating Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) to counter any such nefarious designs.


The Agnibaaz Division organized the drill on October 9 involving Quick Reaction Teams, Dog Squads and Bomb Disposal Teams of Army as well as the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and a Quick Reaction Team of the Maharashtra Police.

“A simulated exercise scenario was built up regarding the presence of terrorist in family accommodations at Lulla Nagar, based on which Quick Reaction Teams of Army initially established the outer cordon.


“Traffic control on the nearby roads was jointly carried out by Maharashtra traffic police and Corps of Military Police of the Army,” the Defence Ministry said.

A joint action was thereafter carried out by Army’s Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) and Quick Reaction Team of Maharashtra Police to neutralize terrorists that involved room intervention drills, search of a room for any unidentified items/explosives by dog squads and their neutralization/ diffusion by Bomb Disposal Units.


An equipment display was also organized, showcasing important equipment required for the conduct of the exercise, that was carried out taking all safety norms of COVID-19 into consideration. The strength of the participating troops was scaled down accordingly.

“The exercise provided an opportunity for both Army and Police to cooperate, coordinate, co-opt and streamline their drills and procedures. Overall, it was a great learning experience for both,” the Defence Ministry said.


(Images from Exercise Suraksha Kavach: joint anti-terror drill carried out by the army and the Maharashtra Police in Pune)

Woman scientist finds solution for n-weapons in dust particles

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New Delhi. Dust can reduce the effect of nuclear weapons? This has been proved by a woman scientist who came back to science after a hiatus of one year.

Such a break is common among Indian women who prioritise family over their career due to various circumstances. The Women Scientist Scheme (WOS A) fellowship of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) provides opportunities to such women scientists and technologists who had a break in their career but desired to return to the mainstream.

Dr. Meera ChadhaDr. Meera Chadha from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi, availed this opportunity to not only return to mainstream science after a career gap but also to show for the first time, through mathematical modelling, that the deadly effects of nuclear weapons can be partially mitigated or reduced with the help of dust particles.

Her recent study published in the ‘Proceedings of Royal Society A, London’ illustrates the reduction in energy released and damage radius from an intense explosion (nuclear explosion in particular) by introduction of dust particles. She has shown how the blast waves from the explosion decayed in the process.

“During my Ph.D., I studied about shock waves and how dust particles contribute in reducing their strength. I came across a book titled ‘Science towards Spirituality’, former president, the late Dr. Abdul Kalam, was asked, ‘Can Science create a Cool Bomb that can defuse or deactivate the deadly atom bomb?’ This got me thinking,” Dr. Chadha said, explaining the trigger behind her research.

She utilised her break in career in studying about explosions and the possible effects of dust particles on them. The WOS scheme gave her the flexibility of time and enough resources in terms of equipment and funds to carry out her research and achieve her dream.

BEL bags ICC PSE Excellence Award for Corporate Governance

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BENGALURU. Navratna defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) on October 12, bagged the PSE Excellence Award 2019 for Corporate Governance awarded by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in a virtual ceremony. Mr Dinesh Kumar Batra, Director (Finance), BEL, received the award on behalf of the company.

Mr Dinesh Kumar Batra, Director (Finance), BEL
Mr Dinesh Kumar Batra, Director (Finance), BEL, receiving the PSE Excellence Award 2019 on behalf of BEL for Corporate Governance, awarded by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), at a virtual ceremony.

The 10th PSE Excellence Awards, organised by the ICC online, is an initiative to salute the game changers and recognize the contributors to the Indian economy.

Mr Dinesh Kumar Batra, Director (Finance), BEL, receiving the PSE Excellence Award 2019 on behalf of BEL for Corporate Governance today

BEL received the award for its excellent Corporate Governance initiatives – risk mitigation measures, training on anti-corruption and good governance policies, sharing of information on public domain, Board of Directors with independent directors and women directors, Whistle Blower policy and internal audit.

The best practices adopted by BEL in Corporate Governance include: Digitalization of the Board – BEL has provided iPads to all the Directors for conducting various committee and strategic meetings through videoconference, complying with all the statutory requirements, and thereby saving time and cost of travelling, saving of pages for printing agendas and thereby giving boost to the Go Green Initiative; Independence – Ensuring independence to Independent Directors, allowing them to develop their own thinking, practical approach and flexibility in monitoring the company’s business. The expertise of Professional Directors having varied experience in diverse areas helps the Board immensely in establishing innovative Corporate Governance; Compliances / Disclosure practices; Shareholders Satisfaction Survey and Sustainable Development Initiatives & Ecological Sustainability.

Rajnath Singh dedicates 44 bridges built by BRO across 7 states, UTs

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Monday 12 October 2020

New Delhi. Heralding in a new era in the connectivity of roads and bridges in sensitive areas close to the western, northern and north-eastern borders, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on October 12 through video conference dedicated 44 major permanent bridges to the nation that would meet the transport and logistics requirements of the armed forces throughout the year, and laid the foundation stone for the 450-metre all-weather Nechiphu Tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh.

The Union Minister for Defence, Shri Rajnath Singh dedicates 44 bridges built by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) across seven States and Union Territories to the nation and laid the foundation stone for Nechiphu Tunnel on the road to Tawang, in Arunachal Pradesh, through Video Conference, in New Delhi on October 12, 2020. The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of the Army Staff, General Manoj Mukund Naravane, the Defence Secretary, Dr. Ajay Kumar and the Director General, Border Roads, Lt. General Harpal Singh are also seen.
Union Minister for Defence, Mr Rajnath Singh dedicates 44 bridges built by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) across seven States and Union Territories to the nation and laid the foundation stone for Nechiphu Tunnel on the road to Tawang, in Arunachal Pradesh, through Video Conference, in New Delhi on October 12, 2020. Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of the Army Staff, General Manoj Mukund Naravane, the Defence Secretary, Dr. Ajay Kumar and the Director General, Border Roads, Lt. General Harpal Singh are also seen.

He noted that despite the border tensions and disputes caused by Pakistan and China, the country was not only resolutely facing them but also bringing about historical changes in all sectors of development under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The bridges, spread over seven states and union territories, are of strategic importance and provide connectivity to remote areas. The two-lane Nechiphu tunnel would ensure all-weather connectivity across Nechiphu Pass, besides providing a safe and secure passage through accident prone areas.

In his address, Rajnath Singh congratulated the DG and all ranks of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) for their achievements and said that dedication of 44 bridges in one go in itself was a record, particularly in the challenging times of COVID-19.

Lauding the BRO for its role in improving the border infrastructure, he these bridges improved connectivity in the far flung areas and fulfilled the aspirations of the local people.

The Union Minister for Defence, Shri Rajnath Singh dedicates 44 bridges built by Border Roads Organisation (BRO) across seven States and Union Territories to the nation and laid the foundation stone for Nechiphu Tunnel on the road to Tawang, in Arunachal Pradesh, through Video Conference, in New Delhi on October 12, 2020. The Minister of State for Development of North Eastern Region (I/C), Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, the Chief of the Army Staff, General Manoj Mukund Naravane, the Defence Secretary, Dr. Ajay Kumar and the Director General, Border Roads, Lt. General Harpal Singh are also seen.

Noting that roads and bridges are the lifeline of any nation and play a vital role in the socio-economic development of far flung regions, Rajnath Singh reiterated the central government’s commitment to boost development activities in border areas and said that progress of all projects is regularly being monitored and adequate funds are being provided for their timely execution.

He said that the annual budget of BRO that varied from Rs. 3,300 crores ($4 million) to Rs. 4,600 crores ($6.2 million) in the years 2008-2016, saw a substantial rise and is pegged at over Rs. 11,000 crores ($1.5 billion) in 2020-21. There was no reduction of this budget despite COVID-19.

He also announced that the government has sanctioned high-altitude clothing to BRO engineers and workers.

Briefing the dignitaries, Lt. Gen. Harpal Singh, DG BRO, said the 44 bridges of various spans ranging from 30 metres to 484 metres, are located in Jammu and Kashmir (10), Ladakh (8), Himachal Pradesh (2), Punjab (4), Uttarakhand (8), Arunachal Pradesh (8) and Sikkim (4).

“They are of strategic importance and have been designed to facilitate movement of heavy civil and military traffic in border areas. In line with the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, these bridges will contribute towards the overall economic growth of remote border areas and will also assist in speedy deployment of armed forces in strategically important sectors,” he said.

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Images of some of the 44 bridges dedicated to the nation on October 12 by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. The specific locations of the bridges have not been indicated.

In addition to expediting road construction, the BRO has laid special emphasis on construction of bridges by completing 28 major bridges last year while 102 major bridges are being completed this year, 54 of which have already been completed. Over 60 Bailey Bridges have also been constructed by BRO to meet the immediate requirements of the armed forces and people living in remote areas.

BRO has worked relentlessly even during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic restrictions continuing with works of strategic importance like construction of major bridges and roads, Atal Tunnel at Rohtang, and Sela Tunnel, among others, and snow clearance for opening of strategic mountain passes.

In spite of unprecedented snowfall breaking a 60 years record, all strategic passes and roads were cleared for traffic about one month before their average yearly opening dates. This brought relief to people of border areas and ensured rapid and early movement of troops and logistics.

The dedication ceremony was conducted in the presence of Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh; Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Bipin Rawat; Chief of Army Staff, Gen. M.M. Naravane and Defence Secretary Ajay Kumar at New Delhi. Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, the Chief Ministers of Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Sikkim and Uttarakhand, the Lt. Governor of J&K, with members of parliament, civil /military dignitaries along with members of the public at various sites in respective states and union territories.

Ambassador Ajai Malhotra re-elected to Advisory Board of Human Rights Council

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Saturday 10 October 2020

Ambassador Ajai MalhotraGeneva. India’s Ajai Malhotra has been re-elected to the Advisory Board of the UN Human Rights Council at its meeting on October 7.

He has previously served as India’s Ambassador to Russia and as the Deputy Permanent Representative of India to the UN at New York

He has contributed to the evolution of the concept of ‘common concern of humankind’ and written on issues such as the rights of future generations. In 2004, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Western University of Arad, Romania, in recognition of his work in support of environmental causes and human development.

US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun to visit India October 12-14

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Washington. Ahead of the US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue later this year, Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun is to visit India October 12-14 to prepare the ground for the talks and build on the meeting between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar in Tokyo on October 6, it was announced here on October 9.

US Department of State_Logo“Building on Secretary Pompeo’s October 6 meeting with Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar and ahead of the US-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue later this year, Deputy Secretary Biegun’s engagements in India will focus on advancing the United States-India Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership and how the United States and India can work together to advance peace, prosperity, and security in the Indo-Pacific and around the globe,” the State Department said.

This will be the third edition of the U.S.-India 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue.

During the visit, Biegun will also “meet with senior government officials and deliver keynote remarks at the India-U.S. Forum, a State Department statement said.

This will be the fourth meeting of the India-US Forum, a platform for both American and Indian leaders from across the spectrum to shape the future of India-US strategic partnership through consultation and collaboration.

From October 14-16, Biegun will visit Dhaka to meet with senior government officials and “reaffirm the United States-Bangladesh partnership”.

His engagements “will focus on advancing our common vision of a free, open, inclusive, peaceful, and secure Indo-Pacific region with shared prosperity for all; U.S.-Bangladesh cooperation on COVID-19 response and recovery efforts; and sustainable economic development”, the State Department said.

DRDO successfully tests indigenously-developed Anti Radiation Missile

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New Delhi. A new generation Anti Radiation Missile (RUDRAM) was successfully flight-tested on October 9 onto a radiation target located on Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha. The missile was launched from a SU-30 MKI fighter aircraft and hit with pin-point accuracy.

The RUDRAM missile being launched from a Sukhoi SU-30MKI combat jet

DRDO Logo“New generation first indigenous Anti-Radiation Missile RUDRAM developed by @DRDO_India for Indian Air Force successfully flight tested today onto a radiation target located on Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha. The missile was launched from SU-30 MKI fighter aircraft,” a Defence Ministry spokesman tweeted.

The RUDRAM is the country’s first indigenous anti-radiation missile for the Indian Air Force (IAF) being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). The missile is integrated on the SU-30 MKI fighter aircraft as the launch platform, with a varying-range capability based on launch conditions. It has INS-GPS navigation with Passive Homing Head for the final attack.

The Passive Homing Head can detect, classify and engage targets over a wide band of frequencies as programmed.

“The missile is a potent weapon for IAF for Suppression of Enemy Air Defence effectively from large stand-off ranges,” a Defence Ministry statement said, adding: “With this, the country has established indigenous capability to develop long range air launched anti-radiation missiles for neutralising enemy radars, communication sites and other RF emitting targets.”

Skydive Landing by IAF At Khardungla Pass, Leh

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Friday 9 October 2020

New Delhi. With an aim to instil the qualities of camaraderie, team spirit, physical and mental courage, the IAF has always been promoting adventure activities for its personnel. The IAF has always made sustained efforts towards capacity building and promotion of adventure activities at grass root level there by encouraging the environment and to motivate young Air Warriors to undertake adventure activities.

IAF LogoIndian Air Force celebrated its 88th Anniversary on October 8. To commemorate this event, the IAF achieved a new record of the highest Skydive Landing at Khardungla Pass, Leh at an altitude of 17982 ft breaking its own earlier record. Wing Commander Gajanad Yadava and Warrant Officer AK Tiwari carried out successful skydiving jump from C-130J aircraft and landed at Khardungla Pass, Leh on 08 Oct 20. The landing at such an altitude is extremely challenging due to low oxygen levels combined with low air density and rough and inhospitable hilly terrain. Both the Air Warriors have shown excellent professionalism, grit and determination in overcoming adverse conditions and achieving the grand success of setting a new IAF record.

This unique achievement once again demonstrates the capability of the IAF to scale new heights despite the challenges and remain committed to our motto of Mission, Integrity and Excellence.

Coastal Security Exercise “Sagar Kavach” Concludes

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Kochi. A two day Coastal Security Exercise namely ‘Sagar Kavach’ conducted by Indian Navy along with Indian Coast Guard and all stake holders involved in Coastal Security from 07 Oct 20 off the coast of Kerala concluded on October 8.

Navy-Indian Naval Crest-cutout LOGODuring the exercise, the participants were divided in two teams, Red (attack) and Blue (defence), with the Red Force simulating as terrorists attempting to infiltrate into coastal areas of the State for attacks on Vital Assets (VA) as well as Vital Points (VP) and Blue Force carrying out coastal security surveillance to intercept and neutralize the infiltration attempts. Extensive air patrol and surveillance of the adjoining seas were also undertaken by the aircraft, helicopters and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard to detect ships and vessels of the opposing force. A high level of coastal surveillance was maintained all along the Kerala coast during the period. A wide range of security contingencies including multi-layer security, infiltration from seaward, simulated attacks on vital installations/ assets, hijacking of merchant ships, and cross landings were exercised. The defensive layers set up at sea thwarted attempts by the opposing force engaged in infiltration.

Apart from Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard, Coastal Police, Coastal District Administration, Cochin Port, Fisheries Department, Customs, Marine Enforcement Wing (MEW). Central Industrial Security force (CISF), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Light House Department and fishermen community participated in the exercise. More than 20 ships of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard as well as 50 patrol crafts manned by various security agencies participated in the exercise.

The exercise was conjoined with Karnataka state. The exercise was aimed to assess the preparedness of all agencies towards dealing with an asymmetric threat emanating from the sea. The present exercise assumes significance in the back drop of prevailing security situation in the country.

Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, PVSM, AVSM, NM, VSM, ADC, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Naval Command reviewed the preparedness and conduct of the exercise with special emphasis on ensuring COVID-19 protocol by the concerned agencies, as the Commander-in-Chief, Coastal Defence,. The exercise was closely monitored from Joint Operations Centre, Kochi. Response of agencies to various situations was assessed.

‘Sagar Kavach’ is a half yearly exercise with an objective to check Coastal Security mechanism and validate Standard Operating Procedures. The exercise also serves to identify gaps in the multi-tier security barriers at sea, close to the land as well as in the hinterland in coordination with the concerned stakeholders to further strengthen the Coastal security architecture. Over a period of time, conduct of “Sagar Kavach” has synergized the efforts of all Central/State stakeholders towards effective Coastal Security.

General Atomics EMALS and AAG Systems reach 4,492 “CATS and TRAPS” Milestone Aboard CVN 78

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Thursday 8 October 2020

SAN DIEGO, CA. General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) announced on October 7, that a milestone of 4,492 catapult launches and landing arrestments using the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) system has been successfully and safely achieved aboard USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78).


“CVN 78 passed the half-way mark of its PDT&T, and we are well underway toward achieving the cats and traps milestones by the end of this rigorous testing phase,” stated Scott Forney, president of GA-EMS. “In addition to the demanding system shakedown testing, the ship, and EMALS and AAG, are providing valuable capacity to meet the Navy’s certification and training requirements for today, with an eye toward the future as the next Ford class carriers begin to enter the fleet. We are extremely proud of our dedicated team supporting the ship’s crew as they continue to qualify naval aviators as well as demonstrate the systems capabilities under combat operations tempo.”

During CVN 78’s at sea periods, which involve night and day, all weather, and various sea state operations, EMALS and AAG successfully launch and recover a range of aircraft, including F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, E-2C/D Hawkeyes and Advanced Hawkeyes, C-2A Greyhounds, EA-18G Growlers, and T-45C Goshawks. In addition to CVN 78, GA-EMS is delivering EMALS and AAG for the future USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) and USS Enterprise (CVN 80). EMALS and AAG will provide greater flexibility over legacy systems to not only accommodate aircraft in the current air wing, but also future aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles.

Boeing Astronaut Passes Starliner Torch to Veteran NASA Astronaut

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HOUSTON. NASA has chosen veteran astronaut Barry “Butch” Wilmore to serve as commander of Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner for the Crew Flight Test. He replaces Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, who decided not to fly for personal reasons. Wilmore, who has already been training for a Starliner flight as a backup crew member, will join Nicole Mann and Mike Fincke for this first crewed mission of the Starliner spacecraft.

Starliner_capsule3“I’m grateful to Chris for his exceptional leadership and insight into this very complex and most capable vehicle,” Wilmore said. “Having had the chance to train alongside and view this outstanding crew as backup has been instrumental in my preparation to assume this position. Stepping down was a difficult decision for Chris, but with his leadership and assistance to this point, this crew is positioned for success. We will move forward in the same professional and dedicated manner that Chris has forged.”

Ferguson will serve as the director of Mission Integration and Operations where he will focus on ensuring the Starliner spacecraft and training systems meet the needs of NASA’s astronauts, as well as supporting them throughout their training and mission. In this role, Ferguson will be one of the last people the crew sees before leaving Earth and one of the first they see upon their return.

“My personal thank you to Chris for his leadership; he is putting his family first, which Boeing fully supports,” said Leanne Caret, president and CEO, Boeing Defense, Space & Security. “We are fortunate he will continue to take an active role on the Starliner program and bring his depth and breadth of experience in human spaceflight to the program.”

Ferguson has been an integral part of the Starliner program since 2011 after retiring from NASA as a three-time space shuttle veteran.

“I have full confidence in the Starliner vehicle, the men and women building and testing it, and the NASA astronauts who will ultimately fly it,” Ferguson said. “The Boeing team has taken all lessons from our first uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to heart, and is making Starliner one of the safest new crewed spacecraft ever fielded. I will be here on the ground supporting Butch, Nicole and Mike while they prove it.”

Wilmore will begin training with his crewmates immediately in preparation for the 2021 flight to the International Space Station.

“Butch will be able to step in seamlessly, and his previous experience on both space shuttle and space station missions make him a valuable addition to this flight,” said Kathy Lueders, associate administrator of NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. “Chris has been a talented member of the crew for this mission. The NASA and Boeing Commercial Crew teams sincerely appreciate the invaluable work he has completed and will continue to lead in the development of Starliner, which will help ensure that the Starliner Crew Flight Test will be a success.”

The development of a safe, reliable and cost-effective solution for crew transportation services to and from the International Space Station remains a priority for Boeing, allowing the on-orbit research facility to continue to fulfill its promise as a world-class laboratory.

Naval Investiture Ceremony held at Visakhapatnam

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Visakhapatnam. Vice Admiral Atul Kumar Jain PVSM, AVSM, VSM Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief(FOC-in-C) Eastern Naval Command conferred Gallantry and non-Gallantry Awards announced on the Republic Day this year to meritorious personnel, as well as citations to Naval units which have distinguished themselves during the past year at the Naval Investiture Ceremony conducted at Visakhapatnam on October 5. The ceremony was conducted at Samudrika Naval Auditorium and was witnessed by senior dignitaries of the Indian Navy and families of the awardees.

Indian Navy Heli - Pic 1

During the Investiture Ceremony, Cdr Prakash Vivek was conferred YudhSeva Medal (YSM) while Rear AdmJyotin Raina and Shri Niwash Leading Seaman were conferred Nao Sena Medal (Gallantry). Commodores PC MaragathaVelan and R Vijay Sekhar were conferred with NauSena Medal (Devotion to Duty) and Ram Dular MCME II, and Shrikant Parashram Mane MCPO(UV) II were conferred with VishishtSeva Medal (VSM). Other awards presented are Lt VK Jain Memorial Gold Medal to Lt Cdr V Rajesh Kumar Singh and Jeevan RakshakPadak to Mukesh Kumar CPO(RP). The C-in-C also presented Unit Citations to INS Sujata, INS Karna, INS Chilka, and INS Kalinga who have delivered exceptional performance over the past one year.

Latvia installs new SPIKE missiles team trainer for SPIKE LR2 and SPIKE SR

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Tel Aviv. Latvian National Armed Forces have completed the installation of a new state-of-the-art Team Trainer for SPIKE Missiles. The new system will train Latvian forces to use Rafael Advanced Defense System’s SPIKE LR2 and SR missiles, procured from EuroSpike (a joint venture between Rafael, Diehl Defence, and Rheinmetall Electronics).


SPIKE LR2 is a 5th generation missile with an engagement range of 5.5km, and SPIKE SR is a company-level fire-and-forget light missile for 2km.

The STT (SPIKE Team Trainer), was installed at the end of August 2020 by teams from Rafael and EuroSpike.

The STT provides the SPIKE LR2 and SPIKE SR gunners, squad and section commanders, fully-simulated battlefield training, improving both gunnery and command and control proficiency levels, leading the gunner through all stages of the firing sequence from VIS or IR surveillance of a simulated image up to target impact.


The STT can simulate real-time battle management challenges, such as command and control of multiple launchers, training in synergy between observation and fire positions and it trains the gunners and commanders in handling different scenarios. The STT uniquely-simulates different environmental scenarios on a real terrain database, with varying visibility conditions, simulating the different seasons of the year, and it can be developed and adjusted based on the customer’s specific request, such as real threat analysis, fighting doctrine and expected enemy course-of-action.

The training SPIKE platoons go through a full cycle of mission planning, mission execution and detailed debriefing after action according to the data collected during the scenario, which is fully documented (including video, audio and & radio recordings), allowing optimal post-mission debriefing.

The SPIKE SR is a light shoulder-launched disposable fire-and-forget missile, effective up to 2km. Weighing only 10 kg, and with a dual seeker, the SPIKE SR allows the maneuvering infantry to acquire and engage fast-moving targets at short range, thanks to its advanced tracker.


The SPIKE LR2 is a fifth-generation multipurpose missile. Featuring improved engagement ranges of up to 5.5 km, SPIKE LR2 weighs only 13 kg, possesses enhanced lethality, advanced target tracking capabilities, and a new network-enabled third-party target allocation enhancement with an embedded inertial measurement unit (IMU) assembly.

Mr. Gal Papier, head of marketing at Rafael’s Precision Tactical Weapon Systems directorate: “The Latvian SPIKE Team Trainer (STT) is an advanced training facility which enables training of three different SPIKE variants – the SPIKE LR (Long Range), the 5th generation SPIKE LR2 and the SPIKE SR. The installed training facility will allow the Latvian Army to both qualify and sustain a high level of current and future generation SPIKE gunners and commanders, enabling them advanced and significant antitank capabilities.”

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