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Coastal Security Exercise “Sagar Kavach” Concludes

Friday 9 October 2020

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Kochi. A two day Coastal Security Exercise namely ‘Sagar Kavach’ conducted by Indian Navy along with Indian Coast Guard and all stake holders involved in Coastal Security from 07 Oct 20 off the coast of Kerala concluded on October 8.

Navy-Indian Naval Crest-cutout LOGODuring the exercise, the participants were divided in two teams, Red (attack) and Blue (defence), with the Red Force simulating as terrorists attempting to infiltrate into coastal areas of the State for attacks on Vital Assets (VA) as well as Vital Points (VP) and Blue Force carrying out coastal security surveillance to intercept and neutralize the infiltration attempts. Extensive air patrol and surveillance of the adjoining seas were also undertaken by the aircraft, helicopters and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard to detect ships and vessels of the opposing force. A high level of coastal surveillance was maintained all along the Kerala coast during the period. A wide range of security contingencies including multi-layer security, infiltration from seaward, simulated attacks on vital installations/ assets, hijacking of merchant ships, and cross landings were exercised. The defensive layers set up at sea thwarted attempts by the opposing force engaged in infiltration.

Apart from Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard, Coastal Police, Coastal District Administration, Cochin Port, Fisheries Department, Customs, Marine Enforcement Wing (MEW). Central Industrial Security force (CISF), Intelligence Bureau (IB), Light House Department and fishermen community participated in the exercise. More than 20 ships of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard as well as 50 patrol crafts manned by various security agencies participated in the exercise.

The exercise was conjoined with Karnataka state. The exercise was aimed to assess the preparedness of all agencies towards dealing with an asymmetric threat emanating from the sea. The present exercise assumes significance in the back drop of prevailing security situation in the country.

Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, PVSM, AVSM, NM, VSM, ADC, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Naval Command reviewed the preparedness and conduct of the exercise with special emphasis on ensuring COVID-19 protocol by the concerned agencies, as the Commander-in-Chief, Coastal Defence,. The exercise was closely monitored from Joint Operations Centre, Kochi. Response of agencies to various situations was assessed.

‘Sagar Kavach’ is a half yearly exercise with an objective to check Coastal Security mechanism and validate Standard Operating Procedures. The exercise also serves to identify gaps in the multi-tier security barriers at sea, close to the land as well as in the hinterland in coordination with the concerned stakeholders to further strengthen the Coastal security architecture. Over a period of time, conduct of “Sagar Kavach” has synergized the efforts of all Central/State stakeholders towards effective Coastal Security.

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