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Enhancing passenger comfort during COVID-19 crisis: aircraft manufacturer uses ECA GROUP’s aircraft wireless in-flight entertainment solution aWAP-MS

Tuesday 6 October 2020

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2020 has seen the coronavirus outbreak bring an unprecedented challenge to aviation traffic. Today, airlines have to adjust and tackle new travel experience constraints.

In this context, ECA GROUP’s aWAP-MS wireless access point appeals to airlines and passengers alike due to its “Bring Your Own Device”-concept: An in-flight entertainment (IFE) service enabling passengers to use their own laptops and smartphones on-board, to avoid device sharing and thus possible contamination.

ECA Group is proud to announce that a regional aircraft market leader has referenced ECA Group’s aWAP-MS in their product catalogues. Their clients will therefore be able to choose ECA Group’s innovative IFE solution on their aircraft.

ECA Group’s aWAP-MS has a unique selling point: The “all-in-one”-device combines server and wireless access point in one compact and lightweight housing, which allows a quick and easy overnight installation. The aWAP-MS solution therefore corresponds perfectly with aircraft operating needs – boosting passenger service while keeping the investment low.

Clients can therefore – as usually – rely on ECA Group’s expertise, customization, scalability capabilities and quality of products.

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