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Swachhata hi seva campaign at INS Shivaji

Friday 2 October 2020

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Mumbai. As part of its “Swachhata Hi Seva” campaign to spread awareness on proper segregation and disposal of waste, INS Shivaji conducted a series of activities for shop owners, conservancy staff, galley staff and residents through lectures and messages using social media from September 15 to October 2.


Various measures were implemented to ensure complete stoppage of single use plastic and recycling of solid waste within the establishment. Community Shramdaans were conducted by all the service personnel and defence civilians and their family members to clean and preserve the flora and fauna, in and around the establishment


An online poster-making competition themed on “Swachh Bharat” and protection of environment was conducted for school children, who participated enthusiastically in large numbers.


To mark the culmination of the campaign, a tree plantation drive was organised on October 2 which also included beautification of public gardens at officers and sailors’ residential areas, in association with NGO STAMP. A total of 500 saplings were planted during the plantation drive.


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